
Renewable Energy Europe

úterý 26. června 2007 - čtvrtek 28. června 2007 (Zahraničí)
The Renewables event connecting you with utilities and power generators.
Místo konání: Spain; Feria de Madrid
Pořádá: Renewable Energy Europe, http://ree07.events.pennnet.com/fl/home.cfm?Language=Engl

Conference Programme
Preliminary Conference Programme

Tuesday 26 June 2007
10:00-11:15 Opening Ceremony

Keynote Speakers

José Ignacio Sánchez-Galán
Chief Executive Officer, Iberdrola,S.A

Philippe Joubert
Executive Vice President, President, Power Turbo-Systems and Power Environment, Alstom

Alberto Carbajo
Director-General of Operations, Red Eléctrica de España S.A.

Alfonso González-Finat
Director, Directorate General Energy and Transport- New and Renewable Sources of Energy, Energy Efficiency & Innovation, European Commission
11:15-11:30 Ribbon Cutting

12:30-14:30 Delegate Lunch

Session 1- The Business of Renewables
Session Chair
Professor Arthouros Zervos, European Renewables Energy Council
The role of Renewable Energy in Europe's power supply
Professor Arthouros Zervos, European Renewable Energy Council
Provisional title: Markets for renewables- IEA scenarios/recommendations
Roberto Vigotti, Chair of the Renewable Energy Working Party, International Energy Agency
The perspective of a large power producer
Charles Nielsen, Manager of Research & Development, DONG Energy
Renewables - the perspective of a leading solutions provider
Ed Lowe, General Manager for Renewable Market Development, GE
Why renewables work for Acciona Energy
Ms Carmen Becerril, General Director of Corporate Development, Acciona Energy

Insight into investment activity in the renewables sector - general and recent trends
Michael Liebreich, Chief Executive Officier & Founder, New Energy Finance
Wednesday 27 June 2007
(Track 1) Session 2- Renewables a Competitive Option
Session Chair
Where is the cost of renewables headed?
Dr Winfried Hoffmann, President, European Photovoltaic Indutry Association
Renewables at work in the markets (trading certificates and carbon)
Speaker to be Confirmed
Renewable Energy as a hedging strategy
Roberta Bigliani, EMEA Research Director, Energy Insights
What makes wind competitive ?
Mike O'Neill, RES Group
Title: TBA
Mr. Arturo Herrero, Sales Director, Trina Solar Ltd
(Track 2) Session 3- Biomass in Action
Session Chair
Heinz Kopetz, EUBIA (the European Biomass Association)
Renewable energy at the largest biomass power plant in the UK
Jouni Kinni, Sales Manager, Metso
Biogas, the multi-energy talent
Ludwig Dinkloh, Head of International Business, Schmack Biogas
Development, execution and commissioning of a 20 MW-el biomass power plant in Germany
Detlef Simon, Sales and Marketing Manager, Standardkessel GmbH
Biomass gasification to replace oil or other fossil fuels
Juhani Isaksson, Production Manager, Gasification Technology Metso
Interregional sourcing and fuel options to build security of supply
Michael Wild, Chief Executive Officier, European Bio Energy Services
Two New Biomass Fired FBC-Plants with a High Fuel Flexibility
Dr. Markus Bolhàr-Nordenkampf, Austrian Energy & Environment

12:30-14:30 DELEGATE LUNCH
(Track 1) Session 4-Renewables working on Europe's Power Grids
Session Chair
To be Confirmed
Managing renewables on Spain's electricity grid
Mr Alberto Carbajo, Director-General of Operations, Red Eléctrica de Espaňa S.A.
The need for a pan-European supergrid
Dr Edward O'Connor, Chief Executive Officier, Airtricity Holdings Ltd
How to manage large amounts of renewable power on the grids at an EU level
Frans Van Hulle, EWEA
A European Tracking standard for electricity (E-TRACK)- the future of energy cerificate systems
Christof Timpe, Oeko- Institute e.V.
Renewables intergration:technical challenges and solutions
Godfrey Boyle, Director, Energy and Environment Research Unit, The Open University
Influences of storage technologies on wind power integration
Robert Steinberger, Managing Director, PLANET GbR
(Track 2 )Session 5 - Renewable Technologies to Watch
Session Chair
Alasdair Cameron, Assistant Editor Renewable Energy World, PennWell

From research to CSP market introduction progress and advances of concentrating solar power technologies
Michael Geyer, Executive Secretary of the IEA Solar PACES Implementing Agreement Almeria
Low Carbon Energy Strategies: Solar Energy Innovation for the built environment
Mr Joaquin Piqueras Peña, Spanish commercial manager, Solarcentury
Wave Energy Spain- Iberdrola wave Energy plane development in Santoňa
Engineer Uli Daniel Kaim, Business Development Manager, Iberdrola
Integration of Wind and Wave Power in Community Grid Connected System
Michael Craigie, Managing Director, Combustion Energy & Steam Specialists Ltd
Marine Current Technology: Pioneering Commercial Tidal Stream Turbine Technology
Peter Fraenkel, Technical Director. Marine Current Turbines Limited
Large-scale solar PV
Francisco Conesa, Phoenix Energía Solar S.L.
Thursday 28 June 2007
(Track 1)Session 6- Renewables Technologies Delivering now and in the Future
Session Chair
To be Confirmed

How Europe's utilities are switching to renewables
Alex Klein, Emerging Energy Research
Energy Revolution- A Sustainable World Energy Outlook
Dipl.-Ing Sven Teske, Renewable Energy Director, Greenpeace International
Future markets for renewables
Speaker to be Confirmed
Critical factors for a 150MWth coal unit conversion into Biomass
Jouko Latva-Somppi, Metso
Geothermal power generation
Burkhard Sanner, European Geothermal Energy Council
(Track 2) Sessions 7- Wind power
Session Chair
Bruce Douglas, European Wind Energy Association
Provisional Title: Achieving 300 GW of wind power in Europe
Isabel Blanco, EWEA
International experience for a wind power company
Jose Donoso, Development Director, Gamesa Energía
Wind technology - towards a convential power plant
Lucy Craig, Gerrad Hassan & Partners Ltd
Wind working offshore
Anders Soe Jensen, President, Vestas Offshore
Egmond offshore wind farm
Hub den Rooijen, Shell




Datum uveřejnění: 7.5.2007
Poslední změna: 07.05.2007
Počet shlédnutí: 1077