
Thomsenova zpráva

EREC vydal ke schálení Thomsenovy zprávy následující tiskové prohlášení:

The European Parliament sends a strong signal on the upcoming Framework Directive

The European Parliament responded today to the European Commission’s Renewable Energy Roadmap by calling for the upcoming Framework Directive to strengthen existing renewable energy legislation and be accompanied by ambitious legislation on heating and cooling.

“EREC welcomes the Thomsen report adopted today by the European Parliament. If taken up by the European Commission, the proposals included in the report will go a long way to enable the European renewable energy industry to achieve the 2020 renewables target.  Today’s vote  enables the European Commission to come up quickly with a strong proposal guaranteeing that renewable energy’s potential in all sectors and Member States will be exploited. It is crucial that we do not waste more time, we need a proposal as soon as possible” said EREC Policy Director Oliver Schäfer.

One of the central elements of the report are the Renewables Action Plans to be drafted by Member States. These Action Plans should include binding sectoral targets and must be evaluated and – if not in line with the EU overall target - rejected by the Commission. The report calls on the Commission to include a midterm target so that the Commission can take action before 2020 if a Member State is not fulfilling its obligation. “The Commission must give itself the means to monitor the Action Plans’ implementation and not leave to Member States the margin of maneuver to implement them or not,” added EREC Policy Director.

“EREC strongly supports the renewed impetus given by the European Parliament to renewable heating and cooling asking for strong measures to promote a sector which was largely untapped in the past” said Oliver Schäfer.

EREC furthermore endorses the promotion of renewable energies in the transport sector and acknowledges the need for investment in research and development in this area. Biofuels have a role to play in cutting transport emissions. However, instead of already calling for third-generation biofuels, the EU and the Member States should start investing in second-generation and improving first-generation technologies.

Last but not least, the ITRE Committee – while recognizing that the long term goal is an “effective and efficient harmonized support scheme drawing on best practices in the Member States” – calls for national support schemes to be maintained to ensure investors’ confidence, a position in line with EREC’s view.

2020 is only 13 years away from now. The Commission should ensure its proposal will be rapidly adopted by European institutions therefore taking into account the position the Parliament has just issued which best reflects European citizens’ view. Its own credibility is now at stake.

Novinka byla publikována v rámci projektu Akční plán pro biomasu.


Zdroj (autor): AEBIOM
Kontaktní e-mail:

Datum uveřejnění: 26.9.07
Poslední změna: 18.10.2007
Počet shlédnutí: 1244