The Animal-By-Products Regulation ABP - Impacts and Needs for Composting and Biogas Plants
čtvrtek 9. října 2003 10:00 - pátek 10. října 2003 16:00 (Zahraničí)
Seminář Evropské kompostářské asociace při příležitosti otevření nové kompostárny v Maastrichtu.
Místo konání: Maastricht;
Pořádá: European Composting Network, http://www.compostnetwork.info
, tel.: 0 25 22-96 03 41, fax: 0 25 22-96 03 43
ECN Workshop 9th/10th of October 2003,
Maastricht (near Brussels), The Netherlands, on:

“The Animal-By-Products Regulation ABP - Impacts and Needs
for Composting
and Biogas Plants
Approaches in the EU and Acceding
Countries to manage the ABP requirements
Reacting to the Mad Cow Disease /BSE and the Foot-and-Mouth Disease
the European Parliament has issued the ordinance VO (EG) 1774/2002.
The regulation on „animal-by-products not intended for human
consumption” became effective on May 1st in all Member States.
It also includes stringent requirements for hygienisation and
pasteurisation processes and devices of composting and biogas
The enormous volume of 95 pages with a total of 11 annexes, the
multitude of cross references etc. together with up to now 17
supplements of permanent and transitional regulations and decisions
are leading to partly misinterpretations and a controversial discussion
about the correct implementation in the Member States.
The impact of the entire set of measures on the practice in composting
and biogas plants within Europe is the topic of the coming international
workshop of the European Compost Network ECN for European experts,
plant manufacturers, operators and representatives of the competent
The following workshop sessions will cover the topic:
Session 1: Status of the ABP and amendments
- Status and further perspectives of the ABP - permanent
and transitional measures (EU DG Sanco - inquired)
- ABP and the coming EU Biowaste Directive (EU Commission - inquired)
Session 2: What do existing risk assessments of catering
waste and other category 2 and 3 materials really show?
- UK Report on potential health risk of composting
- Alternative evaluations of the risk potentials
Session 3: Solution in countries WITHOUT national regulations
- Reports about solutions in the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark,
Italy, Spain and the EU Candidate Countries
Session 4: Impacts on countries WITH existing national
- The German way with respect to the German Biowaste Ordinance
- The Austrian solution with respect to agricultural co-composting
- The UK approach based on the existing risk assessment
Session 5: Control and monitoring strategies of the
national authorities
- Pathogen control in composting and biogas plants
- Monitoring solutions by the responsible veterinarian institutions
Session 6: Technology solutions to meet the ABP requirements
by the composting and anaerobic digestion industry
- Survey about suitable in-vessel and open composting techniques
- Solutions for digestion and co-digestion plants
European technology supplieres and some plant managers
will present their sanitisation concepts
Session 7: The use of compost and digestion residues
- The pasture land and feeding stuff production
- The bio-dynamic preparations
Memorandum: „Science and knowledge based requirements
for the sustainable processing and use of catering waste and category
2 and 3 materials via composting and anaerobic digestion”
The program is in the final steps of preparation. If you are
interested in participating or getting the program please send

The workshop will be organised in combination with the opening
of a new large composting plant with
advanced technology in Maastricht on October 8th.
Datum uveřejnění: 9.7.2003
Poslední změna: 09.07.2003
Počet shlédnutí: 1971
The Animal-By-Products Regulation ABP - Impacts and Needs for Composting and Biogas Plants
čtvrtek 9. října 2003 10:00 - pátek 10. října 2003 16:00 (Zahraničí)
Seminář Evropské kompostářské asociace při příležitosti otevření nové kompostárny v Maastrichtu.
Místo konání: Maastricht;
Pořádá: European Composting Network, http://www.compostnetwork.info
, tel.: 0 25 22-96 03 41, fax: 0 25 22-96 03 43
ECN Workshop 9th/10th of October 2003,
Maastricht (near Brussels), The Netherlands, on:
“The Animal-By-Products Regulation ABP - Impacts and Needs
for Composting
and Biogas Plants
Approaches in the EU and Acceding
Countries to manage the ABP requirements
Reacting to the Mad Cow Disease /BSE and the Foot-and-Mouth Disease the European Parliament has issued the ordinance VO (EG) 1774/2002. The regulation on „animal-by-products not intended for human consumption” became effective on May 1st in all Member States. It also includes stringent requirements for hygienisation and pasteurisation processes and devices of composting and biogas plants.
The enormous volume of 95 pages with a total of 11 annexes, the multitude of cross references etc. together with up to now 17 supplements of permanent and transitional regulations and decisions are leading to partly misinterpretations and a controversial discussion about the correct implementation in the Member States.
The impact of the entire set of measures on the practice in composting
and biogas plants within Europe is the topic of the coming international
workshop of the European Compost Network ECN for European experts,
plant manufacturers, operators and representatives of the competent
The following workshop sessions will cover the topic:
Session 1: Status of the ABP and amendments
- Status and further perspectives of the ABP - permanent
and transitional measures (EU DG Sanco - inquired)
- ABP and the coming EU Biowaste Directive (EU Commission - inquired)
Session 2: What do existing risk assessments of catering
waste and other category 2 and 3 materials really show?
- UK Report on potential health risk of composting
- Alternative evaluations of the risk potentials
Session 3: Solution in countries WITHOUT national regulations
- Reports about solutions in the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark,
Italy, Spain and the EU Candidate Countries
Session 4: Impacts on countries WITH existing national
- The German way with respect to the German Biowaste Ordinance
- The Austrian solution with respect to agricultural co-composting
- The UK approach based on the existing risk assessment
Session 5: Control and monitoring strategies of the
national authorities
- Pathogen control in composting and biogas plants
- Monitoring solutions by the responsible veterinarian institutions
Session 6: Technology solutions to meet the ABP requirements
by the composting and anaerobic digestion industry
- Survey about suitable in-vessel and open composting techniques
- Solutions for digestion and co-digestion plants
European technology supplieres and some plant managers
will present their sanitisation concepts
Session 7: The use of compost and digestion residues
- The pasture land and feeding stuff production
- The bio-dynamic preparations
Memorandum: „Science and knowledge based requirements
for the sustainable processing and use of catering waste and category
2 and 3 materials via composting and anaerobic digestion”
The program is in the final steps of preparation. If you are
interested in participating or getting the program please send
The workshop will be organised in combination with the opening
of a new large composting plant with
advanced technology in Maastricht on October 8th.
Datum uveřejnění: 9.7.2003
Poslední změna: 09.07.2003
Počet shlédnutí: 1971