Global Compost Awareness Week
neděle 2. května 2004 00:01 - sobota 8. května 2004 (Svět)
CELEBRATE with us an "Be Resourceful with Compost! during the Global Compost Awareness Week 2nd –8th May
Místo konání: ;
Resourceful ... COMPOST!" serves as the rallying cry
for The Composting Council of Canada, US Composting Council, European
Compost Network and UK Composting Association as they join together
to celebrate the 10th International Compost Awareness Week (May
2nd - May 8th 2004)
Ressourcen - Nimm Kompost!" lautet das gemeinsame
Motto der kanadischen, amerikanischen, europäischen und englischen
Kompostverbände Composting Council of Canada, US Composting
Council, European Compost Network, UK Composting Association während
der 10. Internationalen Kompostwoche vom 2. bis 8. Mai 2004.
Le COMPOST... Une Richesse ! » servira de cri de
ralliement au Conseil canadien du compostage, au US Composting Council,
au European Compost Network et à la UK Composting Association,
alors qu'ils unissent leurs forces pour célébrer la
10ième édition de la Semaine Internationale du Compost
du 2 au 8 mai 2004.
Awareness Week is part of an International initiative first established
in Canada in 1995 as a means to promote composting and compost use
throughout the country. Supported by their national composting organisation,
communities and local environmental groups as well as composting
facilities organise local events to promote composting to their
area. Backyard composting distribution programmes, openings of composting
facilities, school gardening programmes and tree planting events
are just some of the many activities that have been spearheaded
as part of the week’s programmes.
For more information and details about
the actions and events visit the webpages of the organising institutions
Composting Council of Canada,
US Composting Council
and the UK Composting Association.
Some basic information material can be downloaded here:
- English
press release
- Deutsche
- Information
français pour la presse
- Campaign leaflet
and poster
Datum uveřejnění: 4.5.2004
Poslední změna: 04.05.2004
Počet shlédnutí: 1763
Global Compost Awareness Week
neděle 2. května 2004 00:01 - sobota 8. května 2004 (Svět)
CELEBRATE with us an "Be Resourceful with Compost! during the Global Compost Awareness Week 2nd –8th May
Místo konání: ;
Resourceful ... COMPOST!" serves as the rallying cry
for The Composting Council of Canada, US Composting Council, European
Compost Network and UK Composting Association as they join together
to celebrate the 10th International Compost Awareness Week (May
2nd - May 8th 2004)
Ressourcen - Nimm Kompost!" lautet das gemeinsame
Motto der kanadischen, amerikanischen, europäischen und englischen
Kompostverbände Composting Council of Canada, US Composting
Council, European Compost Network, UK Composting Association während
der 10. Internationalen Kompostwoche vom 2. bis 8. Mai 2004.
Le COMPOST... Une Richesse ! » servira de cri de
ralliement au Conseil canadien du compostage, au US Composting Council,
au European Compost Network et à la UK Composting Association,
alors qu'ils unissent leurs forces pour célébrer la
10ième édition de la Semaine Internationale du Compost
du 2 au 8 mai 2004.
Awareness Week is part of an International initiative first established
in Canada in 1995 as a means to promote composting and compost use
throughout the country. Supported by their national composting organisation,
communities and local environmental groups as well as composting
facilities organise local events to promote composting to their
area. Backyard composting distribution programmes, openings of composting
facilities, school gardening programmes and tree planting events
are just some of the many activities that have been spearheaded
as part of the week’s programmes.
For more information and details about
the actions and events visit the webpages of the organising institutions
Composting Council of Canada,
US Composting Council
and the UK Composting Association.
Some basic information material can be downloaded here:
- English
press release
- Deutsche
- Information
français pour la presse
- Campaign leaflet
and poster
Datum uveřejnění: 4.5.2004
Poslední změna: 04.05.2004
Počet shlédnutí: 1763