
Půdní balíček byl stažen z projednávání

Půdní balíček obsahující návrhy rámcové směrnice a tematické strategii o půdách, byl několik hodin před publikací stažen z projednávání v Komisi. Podrobnosti jsou uvedeny v tiskové zprávě EEB níže.

Soil Strategy and Soil Framework Directive stopped by President Barroso!

Just hours before the Commission was prepared to publish the longly prepared "Soil Package" including the draft Soil Framework Directive and the Soil Thematic Strategy the entire strategy package was withdrawn from the Commissions agenda by President Barroso.


Soiling its reputation: Is European Commission abandoning soil protection?

( Brussels , 8 June 2006) - The EEB, Europe 's largest federation of environmental citizens' organisations, is deeply dismayed at yesterday's mysterious disappearance of the long-proposed Soil Thematic Strategy from the Commission's agenda. This means the Commission has indefinitely postponed publishing the proposal. The disappearance apparently follows strong internal opposition, and marks the third time the Commission has failed to deliver its commitment under the Sixth Environmental Action Programme (6 EAP) to publish a Soil Protection Strategy by mid-2005.

Soils are an important non-renewable resource for the whole community. They are being degraded at an alarming rate. Some 115 million hectares are subject to water erosion and 42 million ha to wind erosion. Almost half (45%) of European soils have a low and decreasing organic matter content. This contributes to climate change and threatens agricultural productivity. We also depend on healthy soils to ensure safe water supplies and food crops. Over 3.5 million potentially contaminated sites have been reported, which would cost an estimated €59bn-109bn to clean up. It is therefore imperative that an EU strategy, incorporating a Soil Framework Directive proposal which addresses these challenges coherently and pre-emptively, should be published without further delay.

Soils have been the most overlooked of all the various areas of the environment. There is no history of direct protection at EU level, although at a national level Germany is among the European countries with a more promising record on soil . The Commission's total inability to produce an adequate strategy in time is bad news for Europe 's soils.

“The Commission is about to sacrifice a vital part of Europe's ten-year environmental agenda, which was laid down by Parliament and the Council, “said EEB's Policy Director, Stefan Scheuer. “DG Environment's earlier plans for soil protection have already been dramatically weakened. Instead of submitting the resulting, much depleted, document to Parliament and governments to allow discussion on how best to proceed, President Barroso is planning to bury it altogether.”

EEB's Policy Officer, Pieter de Pous adds: “Given the tremendous efforts needed to tackle climate change today, it is imperative that the Commission produces a Soil Framework Directive that reverses the escalating release of organic soil into the atmosphere. We already face climate change. We need to take action now to protect our supplies of food and water security, which depend on healthy soils.”

For further information please contact:-
Stefan Scheuer, EU Policy Director: ; Tel: +32 (0)2 289 1304; Mobile : +32 (0)496 258 682
Peter de Pous, EEB Policy Officer: ;Tel: +32 (0)2 289 1306
Peter Clarke, Press & Publications Officer: ; Tel: +32 (0)2 289 1309


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Datum uveřejnění: 14.6.06
Poslední změna: 14.6.2006
Počet shlédnutí: 755