Pracovní dokument o kalech a bioodpadech
At the 18 th of December the European Commission published the new Working Document on Sludge and Biowaste as a first Draft Discussion Document (PDF 88kB). This paper (see enclosure) will be discussed at 15th and 16th of January 2004 in Brussels at an ad hoc meeting among stakeholders and participants in the Working Groups SOIL and ORGANIC MATTER for the EU Soil Strategy.
Please use our new EU Biowaste Directive Forum on the ECN website for your questions and comments.
The important dates in the further process are:
- 15-16 January 2004, Brussels (Belgium): Ad hoc Meeting on Sewage Sludge and Biowaste on behalf of the Commission; this is addressed to
- all members of the Working Groups & Advisory Forum under the Soil Thematic Strategy
- the representatives of Member States and Accession Countries & representatives of European organisations who have attended previous meetings on sludge and biowaste management
- 29-30January 2004, Madrid: Meeting Technical Working Group TWG Organic Matter
- together with representatives of the TWG Contamination final steps in preparation of the concept for the sustainable use of biowaste and sludge
- 6 February 2004: Deadline for providing monitoring needs in the framework of the use of organic fertilisers (including compost, digestate and sludge)
- 30 March: Final draft reports of the TWGs of the soil strategy consultation
- until then also the concepts for the sustainable treatment and quality definition and use of biodegradable waste, sludge and other organic matter sources must be provided by the responsible task groups (“diffuse sources of conamitation” and “exogenous organic matter”)
- April-June 2004 (?): Presentation and discussion of further developed working documents on sludge and biowaste
- September 2004 (?): Presentation of the Commission proposals of a Sludge and a Biowaste Directive
The outcome of the discussion with the stakeholders together with the results of the extended impact assessment (which has been lounched by the DG Environment) will be used by the Commission services when finalising the proposals that will be part of the Soil Thematic Strategy.
Novinka byla uveřejněna v rámci Realizačního programu ČR pro BRO.
Zdroj (autor): Joseph Barth
Kontaktní e-mail:
Datum uveřejnění: 12.1.04
Poslední změna: 31.1.2004
Počet shlédnutí: 1568