Salon Bois Energie 2007
čtvrtek 19. dubna 2007 09:00 - neděle 22. dubna 2007 18:00 (Evropská unie, 12,- EUR)
The exhibition presents wood heating, wood fuels and wood/forestry equipment for local authorities, professional and domestic users. It also brings wood energy to life with indoor operating stoves and fireplaces and outdoor demonstrations.
Místo konání: Orléans Cédex, France; Parc des Expositions et Congrès, 1 rue du Président Schuman
Pořádá: ITEBE, http://www.itebe.org
Céline Nehmé,
, tel.: +33 (0)3 84 86 89 30, fax: +33 (0)3 84 43 24 03
Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.boisenergie.com
A unique and distinctive Exhibition covering the whole sector from A-Z
- automatic boilers
- cogeneration
- gasification
- energy service companies
- industrial boilers
- district heating
- consultancy
- research and institutions
- forestry machinery
- saw-splitters and bundlers
- chippers
- pellet presses and briquette presses
- transportation and handling
- logs, pellets, briquettes, wood chips
- domestic boilers
- stoves, ovens and cookers
- fireplaces
> Bringing wood energy to life !
- inside : operational fireplaces and stoves
- outside : working machinery demonstrations
> An international event
cutting edge technologies from Europe’s leading players
> Conferences and Workshops
up-to-date perspectives industry, associations, institutions, research
> The Innovation Competition
a benchmark industry award for the latest products and technologies
> Jeu concours
open to all - high quality equipment to be won
Datum uveřejnění: 13.7.2006
Poslední změna: 18.12.2006
Počet shlédnutí: 1537
Salon Bois Energie 2007
čtvrtek 19. dubna 2007 09:00 - neděle 22. dubna 2007 18:00 (Evropská unie, 12,- EUR)
The exhibition presents wood heating, wood fuels and wood/forestry equipment for local authorities, professional and domestic users. It also brings wood energy to life with indoor operating stoves and fireplaces and outdoor demonstrations.
Místo konání: Orléans Cédex, France; Parc des Expositions et Congrès, 1 rue du Président Schuman
Pořádá: ITEBE, http://www.itebe.org
Céline Nehmé,
, tel.: +33 (0)3 84 86 89 30, fax: +33 (0)3 84 43 24 03
Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.boisenergie.com
A unique and distinctive Exhibition covering the whole sector from A-Z
- automatic boilers
- cogeneration
- gasification
- energy service companies
- industrial boilers
- district heating
- consultancy
- research and institutions
- forestry machinery
- saw-splitters and bundlers
- chippers
- pellet presses and briquette presses
- transportation and handling
- logs, pellets, briquettes, wood chips
- domestic boilers
- stoves, ovens and cookers
- fireplaces
> Bringing wood energy to life !
- inside : operational fireplaces and stoves
- outside : working machinery demonstrations
> An international event
> Conferences and Workshops
up-to-date perspectives industry, associations, institutions, research
> The Innovation Competition
a benchmark industry award for the latest products and technologies
> Jeu concours
open to all - high quality equipment to be won
Datum uveřejnění: 13.7.2006
Poslední změna: 18.12.2006
Počet shlédnutí: 1537