úterý 24. října 2006 07:45 - čtvrtek 26. října 2006 17:00 (Evropská unie, 120,- EUR)
The event is designed to demonstrate and teach with the help of international experts from best practice examples and success stories under the motto "From the practice for the practice", to exchange experiences, to start networking and offers a unique possibility to share the lessons that have been learned in 20 years decentralised biowaste management and composting. So the event is especially dedicated to decision makers, investors, politicians and experts in the enlarged EU and the acceding candidate countries.
Místo konání: Landhaus St. Pölten, Austria; Landhausplatz 1
Pořádá: European Compost Network ECN/ORBIT e.V., http://www.compostnetwork.info
Josef Barth,
, tel.: +49 (0) 25 22 96 03 41, fax: +49 (0) 25 22 96 03 43
Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.biowaste.at/index.php?id=110
5 years after the first Biowaste Conference 2001, initiated by Lower Austria, we are facing a critical phase all over Europe in searching for solutions for a sustainable biowaste strategy. It has been proven that separate collection and composting of biowaste (= 25 to 45 % of the municipal solid waste MSW or up to 100 – 120 million tons in the EU25) shows a cost effective and environmentally sound option for the manifold conditions in Europe.
In a period where the new Member States, some of the old EU Members and the acceding candidate countries are faced with far-reaching decisions and investments in waste management, it is a challenge and responsibility for the organisers to provide support for those countries. Support in form of optimised concepts will allow them to create the necessary framework for the introduction of a sustainable biowaste management.
20 years ago first pilot schemes of separate collection and composting of organic household waste started in Austria. These 20 years now provide extensive experience in developing best practice in collection systems and infrastructure, economic tools, awareness raising and public relations, decentralised biowaste management including farmers, in composting and composting technology, in establishing a consistent legal framework and, last but not least, compost marketing and use.
The event is designed to demonstrate and teach with the help of international experts from best practice examples and success stories under the motto "From the practice for the practice", to exchange experiences, to start networking and offers a unique possibility to share the lessons that have been learned in 20 years decentralised biowaste management and composting. So the event is especially dedicated to decision makers, investors, politicians and experts in the enlarged EU and the acceding candidate countries.
After introductory lectures, Austrian and international acknowledged experts and practitioners will lead you through the 4 parallel seminars. Participants can take part actively in the seminars to develop concrete solutions.
- Biowaste recycling and integrated part of municipal waste management
- Optimisation of separate collection schemes, regional concepts
- Cooperation models in decentralised composting including agriculture
- Existing and necessary legal framework and quality assurance systems
- Public relations & awareness raising campaigns
- Planning and licensing of composting plants – environmental requirements
- State of the art and quality management of open windrow composting
- Exchange and networking forum in inter-regional projects and pilot schemes
- Grants, subsidies, funding options in the EU
Register here for the whole event:
Workshop Language
English and German with simultaneous translation.
Pre-Workshop Excursions - 24th October (Details)
7.45 – 17.30 h
2 alternative visit tours in Lower & Upper Austria and in Styria
Programme 1st Workshop day - 25th October
9.00 – 12.30
Plenary Session
9.00 – 9.25
Welcome address
9.25 – 10.00
The importance of humus management for maintaining soil functions and fertility
Martin Gerzabek, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Science, Vienna
10.00 – 10.25
Strategy and legal framework in the EU
Enzo Favoino, Scuola Agraria del Parco di Monza
10.25 – 11.00
Coffee Break
11.00 – 11.25
Source separation and composting as part of an integrated waste management and economics of biowaste collection and treatment
Ena Smidt & Marion Huber-Humer, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences
11.25 – 11.50
Quality management, quality assurance & compost market in Europe
Josef Barth, European Compost Network ECN/ORBIT e.V.
11.50 – 12.15
Compost and soil – How to balance precaution and benefits for soil?
Florian Amlinger, Compost - Development & Consultation
12.15 – 12.30
Soil protection and environmental liability
Dr. Anton Reinl, Austrian Chamber of Agriculture
12.30 – 12.45
Plenary Discussion
12.45 – 14.00
Lunch Break
14.00 – 15.15
Country Forum Biowaste Management for new Member States and other Eastern European Countries -
The example of Hungary (Dr. Laszlo Alexa - Hungarian Compost Association), Czech Republic (Antonin Sleiska, Czech Biomass Association) and Latvia (Dr. Bendere, Waste Management Associaton of Latvia)
15.15 – 17.45
Parallel Seminars A to D – Part I (see below details of the seminars)
End of day 1
Common Dinner
Programme 2nd Workshop day - 26th October
8.30 – 12.00 h
Parallel Seminars A to D – Part II (see below details of the seminars)
12.00 – 13.00 h
Lunch Break
13.00 – 14.45 h
Parallel Seminars A to D – Part III (see below details of the seminars)
14.45 – 15.15 h
Coffee Break
15.15 – 16.45 h
Presentation of Seminar Results
What did we learn? What are open issues?
What do we expect for the future?
What are the key problems to be tackled?
How can we cooperate further?
How can we facilitate a better know-how exchange?
What do we expect from the EU?
16.45 – 17.00 h
Closing remarks
End of Workshop
The workshop's 4 parallel seminars
Each seminar includes:
- Introduction and basic information related to the topic, key questions to be resolved
- Presentation of best practice or low performance examples
- Presentation of instruments and tools for the development of concepts and specific solutions (e.g. Calculation models of collection capacities and logistics in different settlement situations; PR und marketing instruments in the initial phase of biowaste collection and homecomposting campaigns; regulatory measures, standards and its key elements on the divers implementation levels
- Practical questions elaborated by participants guided and introduced by WS leaders
- Presentation and discussion of results!
Seminar A:
Establishing separate collection for organic waste – from villages to cities – logistics, economic instruments and framework
Seminar programme in details
Biowaste management in rural and urban areas • economics of source separation & composting as an integrated part of waste management for municipal household waste • collection vehicles • bins and containers, compostable bags (liners, hygienic implications, convenience) • evaluation of waste fee systems +/- home composting
Seminar B:
From the city to soil - technologies, concepts, cooperation in decentralised biowaste management and composting
Seminar programme in details
Cooperative models: farmers, communities, regions, waste management associations and waste companies • contracting and division of responsibilities • income • gate fees • working places • state of the art of composting • planning tools for open composting plants • plant sizes • work load • basic process management • good practice in agricultural compost use
Seminar C:
Legal framework & quality assurance – what is needed for a successful implementation and operation of biowaste management
Seminar programme in details
EU-legal frame work: current development and needs (Waste Framework Directive, Landfill Directive, ABPR, Soil and Waste Strategy, IPPC Directive. etc) • EU grants • licensing, environmental requirements for composting plants • compost application and markets • marketing concepts • quality management • monitoring and documentation • quality assurance systems
Seminar D:
Public relations, awareness raising, education campaigning in separate collection, bio-waste management and home composting
Seminar programme in details
Elements of successful PR campaigning in awareness raising: home composting, source separation, education in schools, community counselling, shredder services etc. • planning of campaigns • PR costs; • examples for posters, exhibitions, flyers, further media, • efficiency control • concrete examples; • instruments of PR and marketing; • target group orientated PR management • involving of local actors and multipliers
Two alternative PRE – WORKSHOP VISIT TOURS are offered.
STYRIA DAY In Cooperation with Provincial Government Styria, KOMPTECH, AEVG Graz and ARGE Kompost & Biogas Steiermark
The tour shows: The Co-operative Biowaste Cycle Management of the City of Graz (total catchment area ca. 320 000 inhabitants); Source separation of organic household waste and green waste in the city of Graz; Central pre-treatment and conditioning, decentralised on-farm composting in cooperation with 18 farmers; Quality management in cooperation of the ARGE Compost & Biogas Styria; Compost use; Residual Waste management of the City of Graz; Mechanical-biological pre-treatment according to the requirements of the Austrian Landfill Ordinance; Visit of the mechanical biological treatment MBT plant in Frohnleiten combined with a KOMPTECH presentation of environmental technology.
Detailed schedule of the day
in cooperation with ARGE Compost & Biogas Austria
The tour shows: Cost-effective, flexible and ecologically sound solutions; Co-operation between farmers and community; Logistics of collection; Public Relation and information; Collection and treatment costs; Investments; Quality management and assurance; Compost use.
Detailed schedule of the day
Register here for the whole event:
Organisers & cooperation partners
- Government of the Province of Lower Austria
- Government of the Province of Upper Austria
- Government of the Province of Styria
- Ministry for Agriculture & Forestry, Environment & Water Management
- European Compost Network ECN/ORBIT eV.
- ARGE Kompost & Biogas Lower Austria, Upper Austria and Styria
- ARGE Kompost & Biogas Austria
- Compost Quality Association of Austria KGVÖ
- Waste Management Graz
- "die umweltberatung"
- Compost - Consulting & Development KEB
and various sponsors (see logos at the top)
Who is invited?
- Representatives and decision makers of national, provincial, regional
and municipal administration,
- Biowaste collection and treatment companies
- Planning and consulting companies
- Research institutes
Conference/workshop venue, approach and accommodations
The workshop will be at Lower Austria Government / Landhaus St. Pölten, Austria.
Information how to get to the conference venue is available here.
Main conference accomodation is the education hostel "Bildungshaus St. Hippolyt" where we made a number of registrations at special conditions (between 26,50 and 32,50 Euro/person incl.breakfast). Order your single or double room via the organisers with the registration form.
Room booking in the following hotels and the youth hostel has to be done by the participants themselves:
Hotel Gasthof Graf, Bahhofsplatz 7, A-3100 St. Pölten, Net: www.hotel-graf.at
Tel.:: +43 2742/352757, Phone: +43 2742/352757, Email: office@hotel-graf.at
Double room: 37,50 €/day and person - Incl. breakfast
Jugendherberge/Youth hostel St. Pölten
Bahnhofsplatz 1, A-3100 St. Pölten, Net: www.oejhv.or.at
Tel.: +43 26 22/64 210, Fax: +43 2622 64 210-3, Email: oejhv-noe@oejhv.or.at
Double room:
19,50 €/day* and person for 2 nights - Incl. breakfast
17,50 €/day* and person for 3 nights - Incl. breakfast
Single room:
26,50 €/day* and person for 2 nights - Incl. breakfast
24,50 €/day* and person for 3 nights - Incl. breakfast
*plus 0,77 Euro local tax for each overnight stay
Mariazeller Hof, Mariazellerstr. 6, Europaplatz, A-3100 St. Pölten,
Net: www.pension-mariazellerhof.at, Email: office@pension-mariazellerhof.at
Tel: +43 27 42/769 95, Fax: +43 27 42/769 958
Single room: 40,00 €/day Double room: 30,00 - 33,00 €/day and person - Incl. breakfast
Austria Trend Hotel Metropol (4 Stars), Schillerplatz 1, A-3100 St. Pölten
Net: www.austria-trend.at, Email: metropol@austria-trend.at
Tel.: +43 27 42/707 00-0, Fax: +43 27 42/707 00-135
Single room: 74,00 €/day Double room: 52,50 €/day and person - Incl. breakfast
Please add the booking indication „Biowaste 2006“ when you do your reservation.
Stadthotel Hauser Eck, Schulgasse 2, A-3100 St. Pölten,
Net: www.hausereck.at; Email: hausereck@kstp.at
Tel.: +43 27 42/733 36, Fax: +43 27 42/733 36
Single room: 38,00 €/day Double room: 29,00 €/day and person - Incl. breakfast
For further information please contact Tourist Information of St. Pölten,
Tel.: +46 27 42 353 354, Fax: +46 27 42 333 28 19,
Email: Tourismus@st-poelten.gv.at
Deadline for the reservation of rooms in accomodations with which we have arrangements is the 1st of October 2006.
Please keep in mind that you need to arrive at 23rd of October in order to be able to attend our pre-workshop excursion (visit tour).
Participation fee
The participation fee is 120 Euro and includes the conference participation, proceedings and the visit tour, all meals, the beverages and the common dinner on October 25th. After registration participants will get an invoice.
If necessary students and participants from the new Member States and further Eastern European countries can get a reduction of the participation fee. Please use the 'Message*' box of the registration form to apply for a reduction and provide the reason.
Conference contact, info
European Compost Network ECN/ORBIT e.V., Josef Barth
Tel.: +49 (0) 25 22 96 03 41; Fax: +49 (0) 25 22 96 03 43
Email: info@compostnetwork.info
KEB Compost - Consulting & Development, Florian Amlinger
Tel.: +43 (0) 18 65 60 84; Fax: +43(0)1 8656084-2
Email: f.amlinger@kabsi.at
Conference venue
Niederösterreichische Landesregierung
Landhaus St. Pölten
Landhausplatz 1
A-3100 Sankt Pölten
Datum uveřejnění: 7.8.2006
Poslední změna: 09.10.2006
Počet shlédnutí: 2333
úterý 24. října 2006 07:45 - čtvrtek 26. října 2006 17:00 (Evropská unie, 120,- EUR)
The event is designed to demonstrate and teach with the help of international experts from best practice examples and success stories under the motto "From the practice for the practice", to exchange experiences, to start networking and offers a unique possibility to share the lessons that have been learned in 20 years decentralised biowaste management and composting. So the event is especially dedicated to decision makers, investors, politicians and experts in the enlarged EU and the acceding candidate countries.
Místo konání: Landhaus St. Pölten, Austria; Landhausplatz 1
Pořádá: European Compost Network ECN/ORBIT e.V., http://www.compostnetwork.info
Josef Barth,
, tel.: +49 (0) 25 22 96 03 41, fax: +49 (0) 25 22 96 03 43
Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.biowaste.at/index.php?id=110
5 years after the first Biowaste Conference 2001, initiated by Lower Austria, we are facing a critical phase all over Europe in searching for solutions for a sustainable biowaste strategy. It has been proven that separate collection and composting of biowaste (= 25 to 45 % of the municipal solid waste MSW or up to 100 – 120 million tons in the EU25) shows a cost effective and environmentally sound option for the manifold conditions in Europe.
In a period where the new Member States, some of the old EU Members and the acceding candidate countries are faced with far-reaching decisions and investments in waste management, it is a challenge and responsibility for the organisers to provide support for those countries. Support in form of optimised concepts will allow them to create the necessary framework for the introduction of a sustainable biowaste management.
20 years ago first pilot schemes of separate collection and composting of organic household waste started in Austria. These 20 years now provide extensive experience in developing best practice in collection systems and infrastructure, economic tools, awareness raising and public relations, decentralised biowaste management including farmers, in composting and composting technology, in establishing a consistent legal framework and, last but not least, compost marketing and use.
The event is designed to demonstrate and teach with the help of international experts from best practice examples and success stories under the motto "From the practice for the practice", to exchange experiences, to start networking and offers a unique possibility to share the lessons that have been learned in 20 years decentralised biowaste management and composting. So the event is especially dedicated to decision makers, investors, politicians and experts in the enlarged EU and the acceding candidate countries.
After introductory lectures, Austrian and international acknowledged experts and practitioners will lead you through the 4 parallel seminars. Participants can take part actively in the seminars to develop concrete solutions.
- Biowaste recycling and integrated part of municipal waste management
- Optimisation of separate collection schemes, regional concepts
- Cooperation models in decentralised composting including agriculture
- Existing and necessary legal framework and quality assurance systems
- Public relations & awareness raising campaigns
- Planning and licensing of composting plants – environmental requirements
- State of the art and quality management of open windrow composting
- Exchange and networking forum in inter-regional projects and pilot schemes
- Grants, subsidies, funding options in the EU
Register here for the whole event:
Workshop Language
English and German with simultaneous translation.
Pre-Workshop Excursions - 24th October (Details) |
7.45 – 17.30 h |
2 alternative visit tours in Lower & Upper Austria and in Styria |
Programme 1st Workshop day - 25th October |
9.00 – 12.30 |
Plenary Session |
9.00 – 9.25 |
Welcome address |
9.25 – 10.00 |
The importance of humus management for maintaining soil functions and fertility
10.00 – 10.25 |
Strategy and legal framework in the EU
10.25 – 11.00 |
Coffee Break |
11.00 – 11.25 |
Source separation and composting as part of an integrated waste management and economics of biowaste collection and treatment
11.25 – 11.50 |
Quality management, quality assurance & compost market in Europe
11.50 – 12.15 |
Compost and soil – How to balance precaution and benefits for soil?
12.15 – 12.30 |
Soil protection and environmental liability
12.30 – 12.45 |
Plenary Discussion |
12.45 – 14.00 |
Lunch Break |
14.00 – 15.15 |
Country Forum Biowaste Management for new Member States and other Eastern European Countries -
15.15 – 17.45 |
Parallel Seminars A to D – Part I (see below details of the seminars) |
17.45 |
End of day 1 |
20.00 |
Common Dinner |
Programme 2nd Workshop day - 26th October |
8.30 – 12.00 h |
Parallel Seminars A to D – Part II (see below details of the seminars) |
12.00 – 13.00 h |
Lunch Break |
13.00 – 14.45 h |
Parallel Seminars A to D – Part III (see below details of the seminars) |
14.45 – 15.15 h |
Coffee Break |
15.15 – 16.45 h |
Presentation of Seminar Results
16.45 – 17.00 h |
Closing remarks |
17.00 |
End of Workshop |
The workshop's 4 parallel seminars
Each seminar includes:
- Introduction and basic information related to the topic, key questions to be resolved
- Presentation of best practice or low performance examples
- Presentation of instruments and tools for the development of concepts and specific solutions (e.g. Calculation models of collection capacities and logistics in different settlement situations; PR und marketing instruments in the initial phase of biowaste collection and homecomposting campaigns; regulatory measures, standards and its key elements on the divers implementation levels
- Practical questions elaborated by participants guided and introduced by WS leaders
- Presentation and discussion of results!
Seminar A: |
Establishing separate collection for organic waste – from villages to cities – logistics, economic instruments and framework
Biowaste management in rural and urban areas • economics of source separation & composting as an integrated part of waste management for municipal household waste • collection vehicles • bins and containers, compostable bags (liners, hygienic implications, convenience) • evaluation of waste fee systems +/- home composting |
Seminar B: |
From the city to soil - technologies, concepts, cooperation in decentralised biowaste management and composting
Cooperative models: farmers, communities, regions, waste management associations and waste companies • contracting and division of responsibilities • income • gate fees • working places • state of the art of composting • planning tools for open composting plants • plant sizes • work load • basic process management • good practice in agricultural compost use |
Seminar C: |
Legal framework & quality assurance – what is needed for a successful implementation and operation of biowaste management
EU-legal frame work: current development and needs (Waste Framework Directive, Landfill Directive, ABPR, Soil and Waste Strategy, IPPC Directive. etc) • EU grants • licensing, environmental requirements for composting plants • compost application and markets • marketing concepts • quality management • monitoring and documentation • quality assurance systems |
Seminar D: |
Public relations, awareness raising, education campaigning in separate collection, bio-waste management and home composting
Elements of successful PR campaigning in awareness raising: home composting, source separation, education in schools, community counselling, shredder services etc. • planning of campaigns • PR costs; • examples for posters, exhibitions, flyers, further media, • efficiency control • concrete examples; • instruments of PR and marketing; • target group orientated PR management • involving of local actors and multipliers
Two alternative PRE – WORKSHOP VISIT TOURS are offered.
STYRIA DAY In Cooperation with Provincial Government Styria, KOMPTECH, AEVG Graz and ARGE Kompost & Biogas Steiermark
Register here for the whole event:
Organisers & cooperation partners
- Government of the Province of Lower Austria
- Government of the Province of Upper Austria
- Government of the Province of Styria
- Ministry for Agriculture & Forestry, Environment & Water Management
- European Compost Network ECN/ORBIT eV.
- ARGE Kompost & Biogas Lower Austria, Upper Austria and Styria
- ARGE Kompost & Biogas Austria
- Compost Quality Association of Austria KGVÖ
- Waste Management Graz
- "die umweltberatung"
- Compost - Consulting & Development KEB
and various sponsors (see logos at the top)
Who is invited?
- Representatives and decision makers of national, provincial, regional
and municipal administration,
- Biowaste collection and treatment companies
- Planning and consulting companies
- Research institutes
Conference/workshop venue, approach and accommodations
The workshop will be at Lower Austria Government / Landhaus St. Pölten, Austria.
Information how to get to the conference venue is available here.
Main conference accomodation is the education hostel "Bildungshaus St. Hippolyt" where we made a number of registrations at special conditions (between 26,50 and 32,50 Euro/person incl.breakfast). Order your single or double room via the organisers with the registration form.
Room booking in the following hotels and the youth hostel has to be done by the participants themselves:
Hotel Gasthof Graf, Bahhofsplatz 7, A-3100 St. Pölten, Net: www.hotel-graf.at
Tel.:: +43 2742/352757, Phone: +43 2742/352757, Email: office@hotel-graf.atDouble room: 37,50 €/day and person - Incl. breakfast
Jugendherberge/Youth hostel St. Pölten
Bahnhofsplatz 1, A-3100 St. Pölten, Net: www.oejhv.or.at
Tel.: +43 26 22/64 210, Fax: +43 2622 64 210-3, Email: oejhv-noe@oejhv.or.at
Double room:
19,50 €/day* and person for 2 nights - Incl. breakfast
17,50 €/day* and person for 3 nights - Incl. breakfast
Single room:
26,50 €/day* and person for 2 nights - Incl. breakfast
24,50 €/day* and person for 3 nights - Incl. breakfast
*plus 0,77 Euro local tax for each overnight stay
Mariazeller Hof, Mariazellerstr. 6, Europaplatz, A-3100 St. Pölten,
Net: www.pension-mariazellerhof.at, Email: office@pension-mariazellerhof.at
Tel: +43 27 42/769 95, Fax: +43 27 42/769 958Single room: 40,00 €/day Double room: 30,00 - 33,00 €/day and person - Incl. breakfast
Austria Trend Hotel Metropol (4 Stars), Schillerplatz 1, A-3100 St. Pölten
Net: www.austria-trend.at, Email: metropol@austria-trend.at
Tel.: +43 27 42/707 00-0, Fax: +43 27 42/707 00-135Single room: 74,00 €/day Double room: 52,50 €/day and person - Incl. breakfast
Please add the booking indication „Biowaste 2006“ when you do your reservation.Stadthotel Hauser Eck, Schulgasse 2, A-3100 St. Pölten,
Net: www.hausereck.at; Email: hausereck@kstp.at
Tel.: +43 27 42/733 36, Fax: +43 27 42/733 36Single room: 38,00 €/day Double room: 29,00 €/day and person - Incl. breakfast
For further information please contact Tourist Information of St. Pölten,
Tel.: +46 27 42 353 354, Fax: +46 27 42 333 28 19,
Email: Tourismus@st-poelten.gv.atDeadline for the reservation of rooms in accomodations with which we have arrangements is the 1st of October 2006.
Please keep in mind that you need to arrive at 23rd of October in order to be able to attend our pre-workshop excursion (visit tour).
Participation fee
The participation fee is 120 Euro and includes the conference participation, proceedings and the visit tour, all meals, the beverages and the common dinner on October 25th. After registration participants will get an invoice.
If necessary students and participants from the new Member States and further Eastern European countries can get a reduction of the participation fee. Please use the 'Message*' box of the registration form to apply for a reduction and provide the reason.
Conference contact, info
European Compost Network ECN/ORBIT e.V., Josef Barth
Tel.: +49 (0) 25 22 96 03 41; Fax: +49 (0) 25 22 96 03 43
Email: info@compostnetwork.infoKEB Compost - Consulting & Development, Florian Amlinger
Tel.: +43 (0) 18 65 60 84; Fax: +43(0)1 8656084-2
Email: f.amlinger@kabsi.at
Conference venue
Niederösterreichische Landesregierung
Landhaus St. Pölten
Landhausplatz 1
A-3100 Sankt Pölten
Datum uveřejnění: 7.8.2006
Poslední změna: 09.10.2006
Počet shlédnutí: 2333