1st Annual European Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition
pátek 30. července 2010 - neděle 1. srpna 2010 (Evropská unie)
The conference under the auspices of Belgium Presidency brings together outstanding speakers from the European Institutions including the president of the European Commission - Günther Oettinger and a member of the European Parliament Bas Eickhout.
Místo konání: Belgium; Brussel
Pořádá: AEBIOM, http://www.renexpo-bioenergy.eu/
Příloha: podrobnosti o akci [pdf - 463.1 kB]
The sessions with eminent speakers will cover the following topics:
- European
Legislation and Future Perspectives
- Renewable Energy
Action Plans
- Biomass Supply
- Sustainability
criteria, Certification
- Biogas
- Biorefinery and
Second Generation Biofuels
- Financing Bioenergy
- Bioenergy and
Climate Change
- Small Scale Heat
- Electricity and
District Heating
Datum uveřejnění: 4.6.2010
Poslední změna: 04.06.2010
Počet shlédnutí: 531
1st Annual European Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition
pátek 30. července 2010 - neděle 1. srpna 2010 (Evropská unie)
The conference under the auspices of Belgium Presidency brings together outstanding speakers from the European Institutions including the president of the European Commission - Günther Oettinger and a member of the European Parliament Bas Eickhout.
Místo konání: Belgium; Brussel
Pořádá: AEBIOM, http://www.renexpo-bioenergy.eu/
Příloha: podrobnosti o akci [pdf - 463.1 kB]
The sessions with eminent speakers will cover the following topics:
- European Legislation and Future Perspectives
- Renewable Energy Action Plans
- Biomass Supply
- Sustainability criteria, Certification
- Biogas
- Biorefinery and Second Generation Biofuels
- Financing Bioenergy Projects
- Bioenergy and Climate Change
- Small Scale Heat
- Electricity and District Heating
Datum uveřejnění: 4.6.2010
Poslední změna: 04.06.2010
Počet shlédnutí: 531