středa 4. října 2006 - čtvrtek 5. října 2006 (Jihočeský kraj, 3500,- Kč)
The Biogas international conference is a traditional meeting of experts in the theory, production, technologies, regulations, design, construction and operation of biogas production and operation equipment. The conference will also focus on the enviromental aspects of these technologies and their use in agriculture
Místo konání: České Budějovice; Budova krajského úřadu v Českých Budějovicích,
U Zimního stadionu 1952/2
Pořádá: GAS s.r.o., http://www.cpi-gasinfo.cz
, tel.: 41 049 709, fax: 241 049 702
Podrobnosti o akci: http://am5.plyn-portal.cz/Default.aspx?tabid=518
GAS s.r.o.
organises, in co-operation with Bioprofit, a.s.
International Conference
Under the auspices of the Ministry of the Environment, the Czech Energy Agency,
and the Regional Authority in České Budějovice
on 4 and 5 October 2006
Venue: The Regional Authority building in České Budějovice
U Zimního stadionu 1952/2
Czech Republic
MŽP ČEA KÚ České Budějovice
Wednesday, 4 October 2006
8.30 Registration
9.00 Opening of the Conference
Robin Profeld, GAS s.r.o. Managing Director
9.15 Opportunities for receiving subsidies for renewable sources from the Environment Operational Programme
Tomáš Oliva, Ministry of the Environment
9.35 Biogas plant design – project preparation and subsidy opportunities
Josef Urban, Zdeněk Študlar, Bioprofit, s.r.o.
10.00 Situation and trends in biogas use development in the Czech Republic and EU
Miroslav Šafařík, CZ Biom
10.20 Biogas technology - a strong element in biological agriculture
Jozef Viglasky, Naďa Langová, Peter Geffert, Technical University, Zvolen, Slovensko
10.40 Coffee break
11.15 Preparations for adding biogas to the natural gas grid
Uwe Klaas, DVGW, Německo
Mirjam van Burgel, Gasunie Engineering & Technology, Holandsko
11.45 Methane yield in relation to the feed composition and pre-treatment
Michal Dohányos, Jana Zábranská, Vysoká škole chemicko-technologická
Ústav technologie vody a prostředí
12.05 A biogas unit - an integral part of the agricultural & food processing sector
Luboš Babička, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze
František Straka, Ústav pro výzkum a využití paliv Praha a.s.
12.25 Experience in the preparation and building of biogas units in Austria
Jürgen Baumgartinger, BIOGEST Umwelttechnik GmbH, Rakousko
12. 50 Lunch
14.00 Anaerobic stabilisation of sludge in practice – a technological proposal
Karel Hartig, Hydroprojekt CZ a.s.
14.20 Options for biogas use
František Straka
14.40 Discussion & Closing of the first day
16.45 Departure for an excursion to the world-renowned Budvar brewery
18.00 BIOPLYN – Launch of the publication
Social gathering
Thursday 5 October 2006
8.30 Registration
9.00 Methane Bio-oxidation
František Straka, Marcela Kunčarová, Ústav pro výzkum a využití paliv Praha a.s.
9.20 Biogas with CNG quality as a motor fuel
Ondřej Prokeš, Daniel Tenkrát, VŠCHT - Ústav plynárenství, koksochemie a ochrany ovzduší, Václav Holovčák, Bonett Bohemia, a.s.
9.45 Economic modelling of biogas unit (RENERGY) construction
Radim Hrůza, Renergy, s.r.o.
10.00 Electricity production in a cogeneration unit at a wastewater treatment plant
in České Budějovice – economics of operation
František Chmel, ČOV České Budějovice
10.20 Nitrogen’s influence on the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter
Pavel Jeníček, VŠCHT Praha [College of Chemical Technology in Prague]
10.40 Coffee break
11.20 Causes of sulphur compounds forming in biogas and options for removing them
11.40 Biogas desulphurisation - operating experience
Karel Ciahotný, VŠCHT - Ústav plynárenství, koksochemie a ochrany ovzduší
12.00 Anaerobic fermentation of mixed feeds
Zdeněk Pastorek, VÚZT Praha
Jaroslav Kára, VÚZT Praha
12.20 Importance of biogas units in emergencies
Ivan Beneš, CITYPLAN spol. s r.o.
12.40 Discussion & Closing of the second day
13.00 Lunch
14.15 Excursion to the wastewater treatment plant in České Budějovice
The Conference will take place in the meeting room of the South Bohemian Region’s Regional Authority at České Budějovice, U Zimního stadionu 1952/2.
The working languages are Czech/Slovak and English with simultaneous interpreting provided.
The Conference has been included in a lifelong education programme, and scores two points in the scheme of professional training in the gas industry.
How to register
Please forward the registration form by post or fax to:
GAS s.r.o.
Novodvorská 803/82, 142 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic
Tel. * 420 241 049 709, *420 241 049 716, fax: *420 241 049 702
E-mail: slukova@gasinfo.cz, vzdelavani@gasinfo.cz
How to pay the registration fee
No later than by 15 September 2006 the fee should be paid by bank transfer to KB Praha, Account No.:
19-2214000267/0100, VS 04051006, IBAN CZ33 0100 0000 1922 1400 0267.
After receipt of the payment, a tax document will be rendered under Act No. 235/2004 on Value Added Tax, as amended. Under the same law, the final invoice will be rendered within 15 days of the conference. Cheques are not accepted. All fees must be paid before the event commences. Please ensure that bank charges and/or commission are not deducted from the amount due to the GAS, s.r.o.
Rooms have been booked at the Garni Hotel in České Budějovice. The room rates are not included in the registration fee and participants will pay them at the hotel. Room rates are approximately CZK 1,000 per single room.
Datum uveřejnění: 13.9.2006
Poslední změna: 15.09.2006
Počet shlédnutí: 1671
středa 4. října 2006 - čtvrtek 5. října 2006 (Jihočeský kraj, 3500,- Kč)
The Biogas international conference is a traditional meeting of experts in the theory, production, technologies, regulations, design, construction and operation of biogas production and operation equipment. The conference will also focus on the enviromental aspects of these technologies and their use in agriculture
Místo konání: České Budějovice; Budova krajského úřadu v Českých Budějovicích,
U Zimního stadionu 1952/2
Pořádá: GAS s.r.o., http://www.cpi-gasinfo.cz
, tel.: 41 049 709, fax: 241 049 702
Podrobnosti o akci: http://am5.plyn-portal.cz/Default.aspx?tabid=518
GAS s.r.o.
organises, in co-operation with Bioprofit, a.s.
International Conference
Under the auspices of the Ministry of the Environment, the Czech Energy Agency,
and the Regional Authority in České Budějovice
on 4 and 5 October 2006
Venue: The Regional Authority building in České Budějovice
U Zimního stadionu 1952/2
Czech Republic
MŽP ČEA KÚ České Budějovice
Wednesday, 4 October 2006
8.30 Registration
9.00 Opening of the Conference
Robin Profeld, GAS s.r.o. Managing Director
9.15 Opportunities for receiving subsidies for renewable sources from the Environment Operational Programme
Tomáš Oliva, Ministry of the Environment
9.35 Biogas plant design – project preparation and subsidy opportunities
Josef Urban, Zdeněk Študlar, Bioprofit, s.r.o.
10.00 Situation and trends in biogas use development in the Czech Republic and EU
Miroslav Šafařík, CZ Biom
10.20 Biogas technology - a strong element in biological agriculture
Jozef Viglasky, Naďa Langová, Peter Geffert, Technical University, Zvolen, Slovensko
10.40 Coffee break
11.15 Preparations for adding biogas to the natural gas grid
Uwe Klaas, DVGW, Německo
Mirjam van Burgel, Gasunie Engineering & Technology, Holandsko
11.45 Methane yield in relation to the feed composition and pre-treatment
Michal Dohányos, Jana Zábranská, Vysoká škole chemicko-technologická
Ústav technologie vody a prostředí
12.05 A biogas unit - an integral part of the agricultural & food processing sector
Luboš Babička, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze
František Straka, Ústav pro výzkum a využití paliv Praha a.s.
12.25 Experience in the preparation and building of biogas units in Austria
Jürgen Baumgartinger, BIOGEST Umwelttechnik GmbH, Rakousko
12. 50 Lunch
14.00 Anaerobic stabilisation of sludge in practice – a technological proposal
Karel Hartig, Hydroprojekt CZ a.s.
14.20 Options for biogas use
František Straka
14.40 Discussion & Closing of the first day
16.45 Departure for an excursion to the world-renowned Budvar brewery
18.00 BIOPLYN – Launch of the publication
Social gathering
Thursday 5 October 2006
8.30 Registration
9.00 Methane Bio-oxidation
František Straka, Marcela Kunčarová, Ústav pro výzkum a využití paliv Praha a.s.
9.20 Biogas with CNG quality as a motor fuel
Ondřej Prokeš, Daniel Tenkrát, VŠCHT - Ústav plynárenství, koksochemie a ochrany ovzduší, Václav Holovčák, Bonett Bohemia, a.s.
9.45 Economic modelling of biogas unit (RENERGY) construction
Radim Hrůza, Renergy, s.r.o.
10.00 Electricity production in a cogeneration unit at a wastewater treatment plant
in České Budějovice – economics of operation
František Chmel, ČOV České Budějovice
10.20 Nitrogen’s influence on the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter
Pavel Jeníček, VŠCHT Praha [College of Chemical Technology in Prague]
10.40 Coffee break
11.20 Causes of sulphur compounds forming in biogas and options for removing them
11.40 Biogas desulphurisation - operating experience
Karel Ciahotný, VŠCHT - Ústav plynárenství, koksochemie a ochrany ovzduší
12.00 Anaerobic fermentation of mixed feeds
Zdeněk Pastorek, VÚZT Praha
Jaroslav Kára, VÚZT Praha
12.20 Importance of biogas units in emergencies
Ivan Beneš, CITYPLAN spol. s r.o.
12.40 Discussion & Closing of the second day
13.00 Lunch
14.15 Excursion to the wastewater treatment plant in České Budějovice
The Conference will take place in the meeting room of the South Bohemian Region’s Regional Authority at České Budějovice, U Zimního stadionu 1952/2.
The working languages are Czech/Slovak and English with simultaneous interpreting provided.
The Conference has been included in a lifelong education programme, and scores two points in the scheme of professional training in the gas industry.
How to register
Please forward the registration form by post or fax to:
GAS s.r.o.
Novodvorská 803/82, 142 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic
Tel. * 420 241 049 709, *420 241 049 716, fax: *420 241 049 702
E-mail: slukova@gasinfo.cz, vzdelavani@gasinfo.cz
How to pay the registration fee
No later than by 15 September 2006 the fee should be paid by bank transfer to KB Praha, Account No.:
19-2214000267/0100, VS 04051006, IBAN CZ33 0100 0000 1922 1400 0267.
After receipt of the payment, a tax document will be rendered under Act No. 235/2004 on Value Added Tax, as amended. Under the same law, the final invoice will be rendered within 15 days of the conference. Cheques are not accepted. All fees must be paid before the event commences. Please ensure that bank charges and/or commission are not deducted from the amount due to the GAS, s.r.o.
Rooms have been booked at the Garni Hotel in České Budějovice. The room rates are not included in the registration fee and participants will pay them at the hotel. Room rates are approximately CZK 1,000 per single room.
Datum uveřejnění: 13.9.2006
Poslední změna: 15.09.2006
Počet shlédnutí: 1671