

úterý 10. října 2006 - pátek 13. října 2006 (Zahraničí)
10th International Specialized Exhibition - technologies, equipment and tools for Woodworking and Furniture industry
Místo konání: St.Petersburg, Russia; Lenexpo Fairgrounds in Gavan
Pořádá: RESTEC Exhibition Company, http://www.restec.ru
Evgeny Zinoviev, , tel.: +7(812) 320-9684, 320-9694, fax: +7(812) 320-9694

Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.restec.ru/exhibitions/featured/lpkexpo/exhib-tekhnodrev.en.html

RESTEC Exhibition Company invites you to participate in the 10th International Specialized Exhibition TEKHNODREV NW!


  • Woodworking equipment
  • Equipment for furniture manufacturing
  • Equipment for wood housing
  • Grinding equipment
  • Component parts, tools and rigging for woodworking and furniture manufactures
  • Conditioning equipment
  • Packaging equipment
  • Transportation equipment
  • Equipment for biofuel production
  • Storage equipment
  • Software for woodworking and furniture manufactures
  • Advanced industry developments, engineering
  • Investment and leasing structures, banks

In 2006 the International Specialized Exhibition TEKHNODREV NW will celebrate its 10th anniversary. In this period it has won recognition and earned a great reputation in Russia and abroad, has become the basis for creation of all-Russia network of forestry exhibitions, has been marked with the sign of International Union of Exhibitions and Fairs – a high-quality mark of event.

10-year anniversary of exhibition is:

  • Over 800 exhibitors from 51 country

  • During these 10 years the following associations participated in the exhibition: VDMA (Germany), ACIMALL (Italy), SYMAP (France), AFEMMA (Spain), SVDSZ (Czech Republic), DROMA (Poland) and many others

  • 25000 specialists of logging, woodworking and furniture industries from over 55 Russian Regions and 25 countries visit the exhibition every year

  • 100 companies-prizewinners of GOLDEN CUTTER Award

  • 12 industry conferences and over 60 seminars on woodworking and furniture issues

  • The Tekhnodrev Club – union of logging and woodworking specialists

  • Advertising campaign in industrial, business and general political mass media

  • Creation of all-Russia network of interregional forestry exhibitions "TEKHNODREV", 9th International Specialized Exhibition "Tekhnodrev Ural. Povolzhie 2006" will be held on June 20-23, 2006 in Perm

10-year anniversary of exhibition – 10 years of cooperation with our clients

  • Consultations of designers and technical experts – standard stand or distinguished design

  • Free invitations to the exhibition

  • Weekly electronic reporter which contains information on companies-exhibitors of forestry exhibitions

  • Assistance in accommodation in hotels of St. Petersburg and organization of cultural programme

  • Possibility of holding an advertising campaign jointly with organisers

  • Training, consulting, organization of presentations and business networking, participation in Business contacts exchange for each client in accordance with individual programme

Business programme of the exhibition includes:

  • Conference on state-of-the-art woodworking technologies and equipment

  • Round-table meetings and seminars

  • Presentations of companies

  • Business contacts exchange

  • GOLDEN CUTTER Industry Award

We invite you to participate in the 10th Anniversary International Specialized Exhibition TEKHNODREV NW!

Head of the project of the All-Russian network of woodworking exhibitions "Tekhnodrev":
Igor Avdashkevitch
Project Manager: Evgeny Zinoviev
Tel.: +7(812) 320-9684, 320-9694
Fax: +7(812) 320-9694
E-mail: tekhnodrev@restec.ru



Datum uveřejnění: 11.7.2006
Poslední změna: 24.07.2007
Počet shlédnutí: 1074