Prosincový Newsletter AEBIOM 12/2009
Evropská základna CZ Biomu - Evropské sdružení pro biomasu AEBIOM - vydalo prosincový newsletter (v angličtině).
Z obsahu:
- AEBIOM launches a new website!
- AEBIOM publishes Bioenergy Statistics 2009
- The updates on the sustainability report on solid and gaseous biomass that will be published by the European Commission in the beginning of 2010
- The common European Biomass, Forestry and Biogas associations’ press release on sustainability criteria for solid and gaseous biomass
- The updates on the EU institutions’ final agreement on energy efficiency in Buildings directive
- The updates on the proposed commissioners for the next EU Commission period
- The conference on the national Renewable Energy Action Plans (on biomass part) within Sustainable Energy Week
Příloha: AEBIOM Newsletter December 2009
Zdroj (autor):
Web: http://
Kontaktní e-mail:
Datum uveřejnění: 21.12.09
Poslední změna: 18.12.2009
Počet shlédnutí: 775