
Working Group: Agro-biomass & Energy Crops (ABEC)

čtvrtek 3. prosince 2020 ()
The Working Group on Agricultural Biomass and Energy Crops (ABEC) was established in March 2017 to promote specific types of biomass feedstocks such as solid vegetal residue streams from agriculture and dedicated perennial lignocellulosic crops. Both result in abundant feedstock sources that are – to this day – largely underutilised. The Working Group aims to support the development of this sector and communicate on the potential and benefits of these biomass types at EU-level.
Místo konání: ONLINE;
Pořádá: Bioenergy Europe, https://bioenergyeurope.org

The Working Group on Agricultural Biomass and Energy Crops (ABEC) was established in March 2017 to promote specific types of biomass feedstocks such as solid vegetal residue streams from agriculture and dedicated perennial lignocellulosic crops. Both result in abundant feedstock sources that are – to this day – largely underutilised. The Working Group aims to support the development of this sector and communicate on the potential and benefits of these biomass types at EU-level.

Key topics

  • Common Agricultural Policy;
  • CAP post 2020 – opportunities for bioenergy;
  • Fertilisers Regulation Review.


Více informací naleznete ZDE,



Datum uveřejnění: 1.12.2020
Poslední změna: 01.12.2020
Počet shlédnutí: 889