
Bioenergy from Forest Conference News No. 6

středa 31. srpna 2016 - pátek 2. září 2016 (Evropská unie)
Bioenergy from Forest will be held in Jämsä, Finland from 31st of August to 2nd September. Conference will take place in Ilveslinna, Jämsä. This event brings current and future bioenergy and biofuel users and producers and biobased products together with bioenergy business people, developers, financiers, manufactures, technology providers, scientists and teachers, policy makers, authorities and other organisations. This is a place where you can meet all the key-players.
Místo konání: Jämsä; Ilveslinna, Finland
Pořádá: FinnMEtko, BENET, http://www.benet.fi/

Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.bioenergyevents.fi/

Guidelines you will found here.


Topic 1: Biomass Policies, Markets and Sustainability
Topic 2: Forest Biomass Resources and Production
Topic 3: Processes for Solid Fuels from Forest Biomass
Topic 4: Biomass Combustion and Power
Topic 5: Chemical Forest Biomass Conversion Products
Topic 6: Business Concepts and Demonstration
  • Conference with plenary sessions, oral presentations and poster viewing
  • Technical tours and visits to practical bioenergy targets
  • International FinnMETKO 2016 Exhibition

The Main Program

  • 30th of August Pre-Tour, Registration begins
  • 31st of August to 1st of September Conference
  • 2nd of September International FinnMETKO Exhibition

More information about conference here.



Datum uveřejnění: 25.4.2016
Poslední změna: 25.04.2016
Počet shlédnutí: 1210