
Study Tour & Training Course on Biowaste Recycling, AUSTRIA

neděle 15. září 2019 - pátek 20. září 2019 (Evropská unie, 1900,- EUR)
Study Tour & Training Course on Bio-Waste Recycling in AUSTRIA from 15 to 20 September 2019 will give an insight into separate collection models and treatment techniques of organic waste through a smart combination of theoretical seminars and site visits.
Místo konání: Vienna; Hotel Regina, ROOSEVELTPLATZ 15, 1090 WIEN
Pořádá: Kompost & Biogas Verband, Austrian Compost & Biogas Association, Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, https://www.kompost-biogas.info/

Příloha: PROGRAM  [pdf - 2.5 MB]

Podrobnosti o akci: https://www.kompost-biogas.info/kompost/studytour/

Course will cover large & small scale composting, composting of municipal sewage sludge, compost marketing and product development, anaerobic digestion and bio-methane production. In addition you will learn about legal and economic framework conditions, modern quality management and assurance, odour and hygiene management,  as well as the economics, logistics and PR works of smart collection schemes.

A special focus will be on low cost, decentralised composting schemes in cooperation with agricultural farms - the Austrian success story of closing the regional carbon cycle. 

One highlight will be the visit of the 6th International Practitioner Day on Composting organised by the Austrian Compost & Biogas Association showing latest developments in compost and biomass technologies. 

For Program and Registration please click HERE.



Datum uveřejnění: 27.5.2019
Poslední změna: 27.05.2019
Počet shlédnutí: 3059