
Nordic Distric Heating Fair Jönköping Sweden

úterý 20. září 2011 - čtvrtek 22. září 2011 (Evropská unie)
Technology for commercially viable small scale CHP (combined heat and power) in the effect interval 1-5 MW electricity will be shown at the Nordic District Heating Fair 2011, 20-22 September.
Místo konání: ;
Pořádá: , http://www.elmia.se/fjarrvarme

Last year’s joint arrangement of the District Heating Fair and Elmia Fastighet had positive effects on both fairs, despite the recession. Elmia and the Swedish District Heating Association are now taking an even broader approach to the energy issues and adding another two fairs to the 2011 event.



Datum uveřejnění: 23.6.2011
Poslední změna: 23.06.2011
Počet shlédnutí: 396