
International Slovak Biomass Forum (ISBF) 2009

pondělí 9. února 2009 - úterý 10. února 2009 (Evropská unie)
Main topics of ISBF 2009 are: Political and institutional aspects of biomass utilization in Slovakia and Europe » Biofuels » Energy utilization of wastes » Agricultural biomass, energy crops » Project financing
Místo konání: Slovensko; Bratislava
Pořádá: Energy Centre Bratislava, http://www.ecb.sk
Katarína Miková, , tel.: +421 2 593 000 91, fax: +421 2 593 000 97

The 7th issue of ISBF will focus on practical solutions of the most important legal, financial, organisational and process barriers recently existing in the market environment and will once again provide an excellent platform for companies to learn about the latest trends and international developments in biomass power generation. ISBF will help to establish fair business activities, contacts and ideas among actors from Slovakia and other EU countries.



Datum uveřejnění: 12.11.2008
Poslední změna: 12.11.2008
Počet shlédnutí: 1889