
Gasification 2015

středa 25. března 2015 - čtvrtek 26. března 2015 (Praha, 1495,- GBP)
Maximising Commercial Successes in Gasification by Enhancing Efficiency and Ensuring Compliance
Místo konání: Praha;
Pořádá: ACI, http://v11.vuturevx.com/exchange-sites/Whitmore%20Group/59/events-pdfs-eu/ecg4-agenda-mkt.pdf
Mohammad Ahsan, , tel.: 00442079812503
Příloha: gasification-2015.jpg  [jpg - 18 kB]

Podrobnosti o akci: http://v11.vuturevx.com/exchange-sites/Whitmore%20Group/59/events-pdfs-eu/ecg4-agenda-mkt.pdf

ACI’s 4th Annual Gasification Summit, taking place on the first quarter of 2015 in Europe, will comprise two days of formal presentations, interactive roundtable discussions and excellent networking opportunities, providing an ideal setting to convene with your peers to discuss both current operational & future planned gasification plants, end product markets, potential barriers & support policies as well as project economics & finance.

Site Visit:

Exclusive Sokolovská Uhelná’s Plant in Vresova Site Visit - Tuesday 24th March 2015 During the afternoon of 24th March 2015 up to 40 conference attendees will receive a unique opportunity to visit Sokolovská Uhelná Thermoselece Vresova power plant. There is no extra charge to attend the site visit, but spaces are limited and allocated on a first come first served basis. Please register your attendance for the site visit when booking for the conference.

SLEVA z poplatku pro členy CZ Biom!



Datum uveřejnění: 23.2.2015
Poslední změna: 23.02.2015
Počet shlédnutí: 792