
Forest Bioenergy

čtvrtek 28. srpna 2008 - pátek 29. srpna 2008 (Zahraničí)
Conference - The Forest Industry is a big actor in the bioenergy sector. The industry is a big biofuel producer for the market and user of Bioenergy. The conference is held 28th -29th August 2008 in co-operation with FinnMETKO in Jyväskylä, Jämsänkoski and Jämsä cities, Finland. The conference is organised by FINBIO- The Bioenergy Association of Finland.
Místo konání: Finsko;
Pořádá: FINBIO – The Bioenergy Association of Finland, http://www.bioforest.finbioenergy.fi/

EARLY BIRD Price until 30.6.200- Register NOW!
The Main Program

* 27th of August Pre-Tour

* 28th of August Conference

* 29th - 30th of August Exhibition


* International FinnMetko 2008 Exhibition

* Social and cultural programme

* Language: English

Conference Programme 28th August

9.30 Opening
Professor Dan Asplund, Chairman of the Conference

Forest Fuel Resources in EU
Professor Antti Asikainen, Finnish Forest Research Institute Finland

Forest Industry Views of Renewables 2020Z
Senior Vice President Stefan Sundman, Finnish Forest Industries Federation

Environmental Management in Forest Economy
Director Päivi Salpakivi-Salomaa, UPM-Kymmene Oyj

Forest Fuel Chains in Europe,
Senior Research Scientist Eija Alakangas, VTT

Forest Fuel Procurememt Technologies and Costs,
Professor Tapio Ranta, Technical University of Lappeenranta

Concepts for Purchasing of Forest Fuels,

Managing of Forest Fuel Logistics
Managing Director Seppo Huurinainen, MHG Systems Ltd.

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Efficiency and Productivity in Roadside Chipping,
Managing Director Markku Rinne, Zellwatt Ltd. - Finnish Bioenergy Network

Bundling of Forest Residues,
Dr. Arto Timperi, Metso Minerals

Production of Stump Wood Fuel
Development Manager Christer Backlund, UPM-Kymmene Forest

Long-Distance Transport Forest Residues
Expert Samuli Rinne, YTY-konsultointi

Forest Fuels from Early Thinnings
Professor Rolf Björheden, SkogForsk, Sweden

14:40 Coffee

15:10 Handling of Fuels at Plants,
n.n Wärtsilä Biopower Oy

Handling of Fuels at Big Scale Plants,
Director Juha Poikola, Pohjolan Voima Oy

Security of Fuel Logistigs to Heating and Power Plant
Purchasing Manager Kyösti Rannila, Fortum Power and Heat Oy

Finnish Forest Fuel Machine Contractors Knowledge
Chairman Asko Piirainen, The Trade Association of Finnish Forestry and Earth Moving Contractors

Saalasti Mill Side Crushing Technologies
Managing Director Timo Saalasti, Saalasti Oy

Country Cases in Europe
Experiences of Bundling Technology in Central Europe
Managing Director Viktor von Atzigen, von Atzigen AG, Switzerland

18:00 End of the day



Datum uveřejnění: 14.6.2008
Poslední změna: 14.06.2008
Počet shlédnutí: 760