
Bioenergy Markets West Africa

úterý 27. října 2009 - čtvrtek 29. října 2009 (Zahraničí)
Enabling sustainable biopower, biogas & biofuels development in West Africa
Místo konání: ;
Pořádá: , http://www2.greenpowerconferences.co.uk/v8-12/Prospectus/Index.php?sEventCode=BF0910GH

The inaugural Bioenergy Markets West Africa conference and exhibition will bring together key players from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) region with global industry experts. This event is a new edition to the Bioenergy Markets Series which is now in its 4th year and has been attended by over 6000 high calibre delegates to date.



Datum uveřejnění: 20.9.2009
Poslední změna: 20.09.2009
Počet shlédnutí: 394