
14th International symposium forage conversation

středa 17. března 2010 - pátek 19. března 2010 ()
Motto: “Economic and high quality production of forages“
Místo konání: ;
Pořádá: , http://

Organizing committee:

Ing. Václav JAMBOR, CSc.
Prof. Dipl. Ing. Ladislav ZEMAN, CSc.
Prof. Ing. František HRABĚ, CSc.
Ing. Lubica RAJČÁKOVÁ, Ph.D.
Ing. Radko LOUČKA, CSc.
Doc. MVDr. Josef ILLEK, DrSc.

Scientific program:

The Symposium will allow for scientific communication including plenary sessions, invited lectures and submitted papers – both oral and poster presentations and discussions. Sessions will be divided into sections that tentatively include:

1. Forage production – yield, quality, fertilization
2. Fermentation process of forage – harvest,
preservation and storage
3. Utilization, nutritive value and hygienic aspects of
pereserved forages on production health of animals
4. Production of biogass by conserved forages,
greenhouse gases and animal agriculture, ecology

14th International Symposium of Forage Conservation,
Brno, Czech Republic, March 17 – 19th, 2010

I am interested in attending the Symposium. Please send me the second communication and registration form.


first: ..............................................last: ..............................................................


Address: .............................................................................................................


Country: .............................................................................................................

Phone: ............................../........................./ ...........….………….....................
(country) (code) (number)

e-mail Address:..................................................................................................

(please tick where appropriate)

- I wish to participate in Symposium (March 17 – 18th)

yes ........... no .........

- I expect to participate in a post – conference tour (March 19th)

yes ........ no ........

- I wish to present a paper in session No: ………….

yes ........ no ........

- I wish to present a poster in session No: ………

yes ........ no ........

Please send in a provisional title and brief abstract of the paper before
October 30, 2009.

Return to: NutriVet, Ltd.
Vídeňská 1023
CZ-691 23 Pohořelice
Czech Republic

or to e-mail address: ISFC@seznam.cz
or by fax: +420 519 424 247
web-site: www.isfc.eu

Title: .......................................................................................................

Authors: ..................................................................................................

Brief abstract (max. 10 sentences):..................................................



Datum uveřejnění: 14.11.2009
Poslední změna: 14.11.2009
Počet shlédnutí: 682