
Wood fuel production for small scale use

pondělí 20. listopadu 2006 - čtvrtek 23. listopadu 2006 (Evropská unie, 100,- EUR)
An international training programme on wood fuel production for small scale use. Programme consists of lectures and site visits to wood fuel production sites and small scale combustion plants fuelled by wood chips.
Místo konání: Eastern Germany;
Pořádá: EUBIONET, http://www.eubionet.net/
Anssi Kokkonen,

Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.eubionet.net/ACFiles/Download.asp?recID=4294


Monday 20 November 2006
(Agency for Renewable Resources, Hofplatz 1, 18276 Gülzow, Germany)

14.30-14.55 Coffee and Sandwiches
15:00 EUBIONET- Wood fuel use and fuel prices in Europe; Eija Alakangas, VTT
15:30 Wood Energy in Germany; Hermann Hansen, FNR
16:00 Discussion & Coffee
16:30 Wood fuel properties and standardisation; Eija Alakangas, VTT
17:15 Discussion
17:30 Accommodation in Gülzow “Hotel am Krebssee”
18:00 Get together party, “Hotel am Krebssee”

Tuesday 21 November 2006
(Agency for Renewable Resources, Hofplatz 1, 18276 Gülzow, Germany)

8:30 Scandinavian and Middle European of wood fuel procurement methods of forest
residues and small-size trees and cost of wood fuel procurement; VTT
9:00 Wood fuel procurement methods in Finland; Dominic Röser, Finnish Forest Research
9:30 Wood fuel procurement methods of forest residues and small-size trees and cost of
wood fuel procurement in Germany; Jörg Schweinle University of wood, Hamburg
10:00 Discussion & Coffee
10:30 Logistics of wood energy; Dominic Röser, Finnish Forest Research Institute
11:00 Fuel receiving and quality control of fuel; Stefan Pelz, University of Applied Science,
11:30-12:55 Lunch
13:00 Case studies and business models from Finland; Asko Puhakka, North Karelia
University of Applied Science, Joensuu
13:45 Case studies from Finland; Heat production based on wood chips, Petri Rousku,
North Karelia University of Applied Science
14:30 Entrepreneurships from Germany and other countries
15:00 Discussion & Coffee
17:30 Sight seeing tour in Güstrow
18:00 Dinner in Güstrow

Wednesday 22 November 2006
(Excursion: Serrahn-Malchow-Waren-Vielist-Zempow-Mirow)

Departure: 8:30
9:30 Wood chip production and combustion; Deaconry centre, Serrahn
10:15 Departure to Malchow
10:45 Saw mill and wood chip combustion, Pollmeier Massivholz GmbH & Co KG, Malchow
12:30 Departure to Waren
13:00- 14:00 Lunch in Waren
14:15 Departure to Vielist
14:45 Small- scale combustion enterprise, Christian Herlt, Vielist
15:45 Departure to Zempow
17:00 Energy Wood; Falk Brune, Zempow
18:30 Departure to Mirow
19:00 Dinner in “Mirower Seehotel”, Mirow

Thursday 23 November 2006
(Excursion and presentations, German Youth Hostel of Environment, DJH, Mirow)

Departure: 8:30 from city centre to Youth Hostel of Environment
9:00 Woodchip heating plant, energy centre, DJH, Mirow
10:00 Discussion, Coffee
10:30 Combustion Technologies under 5 MWth; Hermann Hansen, FNR
11:00 Boiler plant manufactures of Finland; VTT
11:30 Combustion technologies, Heating plants and environmental aspects of Austria
12:00 Heating plants and environmental aspects of biomass combustion in Germany;
Hermann Hansen, FNR
12:30 Flue gas condensing and flue gas cleaning; Condens Oy, VTT and other companies
13:00 Departure



Datum uveřejnění: 3.11.2006
Poslední změna: 06.11.2006
Počet shlédnutí: 1479