
ORBIT 2006

středa 13. září 2006 10:00 - pátek 15. září 2006 17:40 (Evropská unie, 640,- EUR)
5th International Conference on biological waste management.
Místo konání: Weimar, Germany; Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Pořádá: ORBIT e.V., http://www.orbit-online.net
W. Bidlingmaier, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil., , tel.: +49 (0) 3643 - 58 46 14, fax: +49 (0) 3643 - 58 49 00

Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.orbit2006.de

ORBIT 2006, a major step into the realm of organic materials of this world; the organic materials that for a long time have been regarded only as a cumbersome residue, as waste.

Organic materials outgrow this shadowy existence in the light of devastations, demand for renewable energies, unequal distribution of nutrients and the demand for renewable resources.

Following the tradition of its predecessors, ORBIT 2006 will deal intensively with the biomass resource. The traditional subjects of composting and anaerobic digestion will be presented together with various matters dealing with technology and product quality. The new aspect will include addressing the complex issues of sustainable energy recovery from biomass and the need for a strategy for the preservation of the humus content world-wide, especially in the endangered zones with devastation tendencies.

While the scientific discussion and the presentation of the newest research findings are in the foreground of the ORBIT conference, the involvement of the Compost Quality Assurance Organisation and the ECN in ORBIT 2006 will guarantee the linkage to the political and professional daily life. The ECN, in particular, will provide and present the European experience.

High technology on the one side and the demand for affordable primary technologies on the other side. The traditionally well-attended session „Technologies for Developing Countries“ will be again included in the programme and will be organised by Luis F. Diaz.

For the first time the ORBIT takes place in coordination with the JORA and the SARDINIA conferences. A step towards more expertise and world-wide impact. The Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany, will be the host for the ORBIT 2006.

We, the organizers, are very glad to welcome you to the next ORBIT in September 2006 in Weimar and we promise you an interesting programme and many stimulating discussions.



Datum uveřejnění: 5.7.2006
Poslední změna: 05.07.2006
Počet shlédnutí: 1300