
Global Biogas Congress

úterý 27. listopadu 2007 - středa 28. listopadu 2007 (Evropská unie)
Commercialising Biogas: Applications for Biomethane and Landfill Gas in Power and Transportation Fuels
Místo konání: Belgie; Renaissance Hotel, Brussels
Pořádá: European Biomass Industry Association (EUBIA), Belgium, http://www.agra-net.com/biogas

Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.agra-net.com/content/agra/ips/pdf/Marketing-HTML-PDFs/NEWBiogas9-8-07ToPrint.pdf

The first Global Biogas Congress will bring you the latest on government initiatives to support biogas production, strategies to commercialise biogas, new technological developments and a key insight into the range of projects being undertaken in Europe, the USA and Asia to capture methane for use in heating, electricity generation and vehicle fuel.



Datum uveřejnění: 9.8.2007
Poslední změna: 15.08.2007
Počet shlédnutí: 643