
2nd Bioenergy Investment & Finance Conference

pátek 7. března 2008 (Evropská unie, 340,- EUR)
The CLEAN ENERGY POWER - CEP trade fair and conference for renewable energy and energy efficient building and renovation, takes place from the 07th to the 9th of March 2008 in the New Trade Fair Center Stuttgart.
The newly build exhibition halls and conference center, situated directly by the international airport in Stuttgart, provides an ideal location for this international gathering of exhibitors, visitors, conference participants and trade media representatives.This unique event offers an overview of the entire renewable energy industry with special focus on Passive House, bioenergy, geothermal energy and solar energy.
Místo konání: ;
Pořádá: REECO GmbH, www.energy-server.com
, tel.: +49 7121- 30 16 - 0, fax: +49 7121- 30 16 - 100

Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.cep-expo.de/

Friday, March 7th, 2008

09.00 Welcome REECO GmbH forseo GmbH

09.05 The Support Programme BioEnergieLand Baden-Württemberg – Interim Results
Ernst Pfister MP, Economics Minister – Baden-Württemberg

09.20 Investment Trends & Emerging Technologies
Robert Wagner, C.A.R.M.E.N. e. V.

Biomass Project Financing Schemes

09.45 The Developer‘s Perspective on Project Financing

10.10 Lender’s Project Evaluation Criteria
Stefan Reininger, Raiffeisen-Leasing GmbH

10.35 Discussion

10.30 Coffe Break

11.20 Access to Capital with Mutual Fund Solutions
Thomas Hartauer, Lacuna AG

11.45 Risk Mitigation Instruments: Guarantees and more
Eberhard Wienold, Bürgschaftsbank Baden-Württemberg GmbH

12.10 The Energy Provider‘s Perspective on Project Financing
Marcus Jentsch, MVV Energie AG

12.35 Discussion

12.45 Luncheon

Investment Opportunities, Profitability Factors and International Markets

14.30 Project Financing Instruments by the European Investment Bank
N.N., European Investment Bank

14.55 Bioenergy Deployment in Rural Regions of Europe – Investment and Financing Opportunities adresseded by the Energy4Cohesion-Project
Dr. Christian Epp, WIP Renewable Energies

15.20 Biomassehof Oberlausitz – Investment into a Bioenergy Centre to Tap the Full Biomass Potential of Saxony
Thomas Kienz, Bioenergie Oberlausitz GmbH

15.45 Discussion

15.55 Coffee Break

16.15 Energy Technology Innvoation vs Investor’s
Needs – Insights by a Full Service Contractor
Dr. Hartmut Maier, M+W Zander FE GmbH

16.40 Future of Biomass – Hedging or Speculation?
Remco Frenken, Deutsche Essent GmbH

17.05 Discussion



Datum uveřejnění: 3.1.2008
Poslední změna: 03.01.2008
Počet shlédnutí: 612