Fuels of the Future 2007
pondělí 26. listopadu 2007 - úterý 27. listopadu 2007 (Evropská unie)
5th BBE/UFOP international conference on biofuels
Místo konání: ICC Berlin; Neue Kantstraße / Ecke Messedamm
Pořádá: German BioEnergy Association (BBE) , http://www.bioenergie.de
Thomas Siegmund,
, tel.: +49.228.81002-22, fax: +49.228.81002-58
Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.bioenergie.de/fuels-of-the-future/
Session I Biofuels in Europe and Germany
Market development and potentials of biofuels for transport in Europe and Germany, European and German biofuel strategy, climate change and the role of biofuels
Session II The global development of the biofuels market – a competition to other uses or an enlargement of the application variety?
Global development of agriculture- and biofuel markets, competition, food security, sustainability criteria, certification of biomass production and biofuel conversion
Session III Strategies for the development if the biofuels market
Recommendations from governmental and European view, experiences of biofuel producers, Strategies of car manufacturers and mineral oil industry
Session IV Biofuels in the diesel market
Market development and status quo of the biodiesel market in Germany, market introduction of B30 for private cars and commercial fleets, vegetable oil in agriculture
Session V International markets
International biofuel markets by comparison, criteria for investments, global developments at the plant manufacturing industry, biofuels in developing- and emerging countries
Session VI Biofuels in the petrol market
Market development and status quo of the ethanol and ETBE market in Europe, ethanol based on sugar beet, CO2-balances
Session VII 2nd Generation biofuels
Biogas as transport fuel in Europe and Germany, best practise experiences with biogas filling stations, NExBtl, biobutanol, lignocellulosic ethanol
Subject to alterations.
Datum uveřejnění: 14.9.2007
Poslední změna: 14.09.2007
Počet shlédnutí: 588
Fuels of the Future 2007
pondělí 26. listopadu 2007 - úterý 27. listopadu 2007 (Evropská unie)
5th BBE/UFOP international conference on biofuels
Místo konání: ICC Berlin; Neue Kantstraße / Ecke Messedamm
Pořádá: German BioEnergy Association (BBE) , http://www.bioenergie.de
Thomas Siegmund,
, tel.: +49.228.81002-22, fax: +49.228.81002-58
Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.bioenergie.de/fuels-of-the-future/
Session I Biofuels in Europe and Germany
Market development and potentials of biofuels for transport in Europe and Germany, European and German biofuel strategy, climate change and the role of biofuels
Session II The global development of the biofuels market – a competition to other uses or an enlargement of the application variety?
Global development of agriculture- and biofuel markets, competition, food security, sustainability criteria, certification of biomass production and biofuel conversion
Session III Strategies for the development if the biofuels market
Recommendations from governmental and European view, experiences of biofuel producers, Strategies of car manufacturers and mineral oil industry
Session IV Biofuels in the diesel market
Market development and status quo of the biodiesel market in Germany, market introduction of B30 for private cars and commercial fleets, vegetable oil in agriculture
Session V International markets
International biofuel markets by comparison, criteria for investments, global developments at the plant manufacturing industry, biofuels in developing- and emerging countries
Session VI Biofuels in the petrol market
Market development and status quo of the ethanol and ETBE market in Europe, ethanol based on sugar beet, CO2-balances
Session VII 2nd Generation biofuels
Biogas as transport fuel in Europe and Germany, best practise experiences with biogas filling stations, NExBtl, biobutanol, lignocellulosic ethanol
Subject to alterations.
Datum uveřejnění: 14.9.2007
Poslední změna: 14.09.2007
Počet shlédnutí: 588