Fuels of the Future 2006
pondělí 27. listopadu 2006 - úterý 28. listopadu 2006 (Evropská unie, 330,- EUR)
The German BioEnergy Association (BBE) and the Union for Promoting Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) holds the international congress for biofuels “Fuels of the Future” each year to discuss current developments with representatives from industry, science and politics and to indicate necessary actions.
Místo konání: Berlin; ICC Berlin,Neue Kantstraße/Ecke Messedamm,D-14057 Berlin
Pořádá: German BioEnergy Association (BBE), http://www.bioenergie.de
Thomas Siegmund,
, tel.: +49 - (0) 2 28 - 81 002-22, fax: +49 - (0) 2 28 - 81 002-58
Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.bioenergie.de/fuels-of-the-future.pdf
Fuels of the Future 2006
4th International Expert Congress for Biofuels
of BBE and UFOP
27th / 28th November 2006
ICC Berlin
The biofuel market in Germany is amongst the most dynamically growing markets for regenerative energy in Germany and Europe. In 2005, biofuels had a share of 3.75 % of the overall fuel consumption in Germany and have thereby substantially exceeded the endeavoured target of 2 %. Favourable political circumstances are an important factor in the success of this development. Changes in the energy, agricultural or environmental policies have a direct effect on the further expansion of the different biofuel markets. With the passing of the Energy Tax Act and the planned introduction of a biofuel quota in 2007, the general conditions have changed fundamentally. What effects will these changes have on the further extension of the market? Is the facade about to crack?
The German BioEnergy Association (BBE) and the Union for Promoting Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) holds the international congress for biofuels “Fuels of the Future” each year to discuss current developments with representatives from industry, science and politics and to indicate necessary actions. With 800 participants from 30 countries in 2005 the congress is the leading German national event on the subject of biofuels and addresses all partners in the market along the value chain of biofuels – from agriculture and forestry, mechanical engineering and biofuel producers through automotive construction and biofuel logistics to the user.
Please note: Until 30th September 2006 an early bird fee of 330,- Euro (plus VAT) is offered for the two-day conference.
More information see www.bioenergie.de/fuels-of-the-future.pdf
With best regards,
Thomas Siegmund
Project Manager
German BioEnergy Association (BBE)
Godesberger Allee 142-148
D-53175 Bonn
Phone: +49/228/ 81 002-22
Fax: +49/228/ 81 002-58
E-Mail: siegmund@bioenergie.de
URL: www.bioenergie.de
Datum uveřejnění: 13.9.2006
Poslední změna: 24.07.2007
Počet shlédnutí: 1041
Fuels of the Future 2006
pondělí 27. listopadu 2006 - úterý 28. listopadu 2006 (Evropská unie, 330,- EUR)
The German BioEnergy Association (BBE) and the Union for Promoting Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) holds the international congress for biofuels “Fuels of the Future” each year to discuss current developments with representatives from industry, science and politics and to indicate necessary actions.
Místo konání: Berlin; ICC Berlin,Neue Kantstraße/Ecke Messedamm,D-14057 Berlin
Pořádá: German BioEnergy Association (BBE), http://www.bioenergie.de
Thomas Siegmund,
, tel.: +49 - (0) 2 28 - 81 002-22, fax: +49 - (0) 2 28 - 81 002-58
Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.bioenergie.de/fuels-of-the-future.pdf
Fuels of the Future 2006
4th International Expert Congress for Biofuels
of BBE and UFOP
27th / 28th November 2006
ICC Berlin
The biofuel market in Germany is amongst the most dynamically growing markets for regenerative energy in Germany and Europe. In 2005, biofuels had a share of 3.75 % of the overall fuel consumption in Germany and have thereby substantially exceeded the endeavoured target of 2 %. Favourable political circumstances are an important factor in the success of this development. Changes in the energy, agricultural or environmental policies have a direct effect on the further expansion of the different biofuel markets. With the passing of the Energy Tax Act and the planned introduction of a biofuel quota in 2007, the general conditions have changed fundamentally. What effects will these changes have on the further extension of the market? Is the facade about to crack?
The German BioEnergy Association (BBE) and the Union for Promoting Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) holds the international congress for biofuels “Fuels of the Future” each year to discuss current developments with representatives from industry, science and politics and to indicate necessary actions. With 800 participants from 30 countries in 2005 the congress is the leading German national event on the subject of biofuels and addresses all partners in the market along the value chain of biofuels – from agriculture and forestry, mechanical engineering and biofuel producers through automotive construction and biofuel logistics to the user.
Please note: Until 30th September 2006 an early bird fee of 330,- Euro (plus VAT) is offered for the two-day conference.
More information see www.bioenergie.de/fuels-of-the-future.pdf
With best regards,
Thomas Siegmund
Project Manager
German BioEnergy Association (BBE)
Godesberger Allee 142-148
D-53175 Bonn
Phone: +49/228/ 81 002-22
Fax: +49/228/ 81 002-58
E-Mail: siegmund@bioenergie.de
URL: www.bioenergie.de
Datum uveřejnění: 13.9.2006
Poslední změna: 24.07.2007
Počet shlédnutí: 1041