Emissions Trading, JI & GIS Central Eastern Europe
úterý 19. září 2006 08:30 - středa 20. září 2006 15:30 (Evropská unie, 799,- EUR)
A series of in-depth, interactive workshop sessions will provide attendees with an excellent update from leading emission trading experts.
Místo konání: Budapest, Hungary; Radisson SAS Beke Hotel, Terez krt. 43, H-1067 Budapest
Pořádá: Green Power energy conferences, http://www.greenpowerconferences.com
, tel.: + 36 1 889 3900
Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.greenpowerconferences.com/carbonmarkets/carbonmarkets_budapest06.html
Registration & Welcome Coffee
Global Carbon & EU ETS Market Update
- How are the EU ETS, JI & CDM markets developing both globally and regionally?
- What is the timetable?
- Addressing sectoral coverage
- Distribution and banking of allowances
- EU ETS and its implications on the industrial economy of Europe
- What are the impacts in the CEE region?
- What defines the price of carbon and uncertainty about the future price of carbon
- What are the market trends and outlook?
- What are the opportunities?
- Linkages and project mechanisms
Session hosted by:
Vladyslav Zhezherin, Analyst, Point Carbon
Networking Refreshment Break
EU-ETS within the CEE
- How are the new EU CEE states trading in the EU-ETS?
- Actual experiences of emissions trading
- The cost of emission reductions
- The implications on competitiveness of sectors and firms
- The development of new technologies and efficiency opportunities
- The evolution of NAP2 and why CE countries expect generous allocation
Session hosted by:
Martin Cmiral, Environmental Products Manager, and Alan Svoboda, Executuive Director Sales, CEZ, a.s
Networking Lunch Break
JI in the CEE
- How are the Kyoto mechanisms working throughout the region?
- What are the Policy and regulatory developments?
- What is the degree and speed with which this mechanism may impact on demand for allowances within the EU-ETS going forward?
- JI and AAU markets in CEE
- JI Institutional progress and AAU trading updates
Session hosted by:
Wolfgang Diernhofer, Team Leader, JI/CDM, KommunalKredit Public Consulting
Networking Refreshment Break
Managing the Carbon Project Cycle
- Project determination
- Successful PDD and baseline development
- Host Country approval
- Validation
- ERU verification
Session hosted by:
Michael Berends, Project Manager, EcoSecurities
Close of Day One
September 20th 2006
Contracting and Managing JI Projects
- The contract stage
- Validation and verification
- Insight into JI projects beyond the ERPA
Session hosted by:
Zsolt Lengyel, Carboncredits.nl – SenterNovem &
Michael Rumberg, TUV-SUD
Networking Refreshment Break
GIS Greening AAU’s – Designing Green Investment Schemes that Work
- Overview of who is doing what now
- What is greening really, what should it be?
- What would it take to get AAU trading going, seriously
Session hosted by:
James Atkins, Chairman, Vertis Environmental Finance Hungary
Networking Lunch Break
Renewable Energy Finance – Emissions Trading – More than just hot air?
- Market Overview Introduction
- Project based Credits vs. EU Allowances
- Emissions Trading and Investment Decisions
- Carbon Risk Strategy
Session hosted by::
Dr. Armin Sandhoevel, Head Carbon Risk/Reputational Risk, Dresdner Bank AG, Head Allianz Climate Core Group and Chairman UNEP FI Climate Change Group
Ingo Ramming, Managing Director, Derivative Structuring and New Product Development, Dresdner Kleinwort
Markus Hüwener, Managing Director, 3C Climate Change Consulting
Close of Conference
Full registration details will be online shortly, in the meantime please contact info@greenpowerconferences.com to request additional information
Radisson SAS Beke Hotel, Budapest
Terez krt. 43, H-1067 Budapest
Tel: + 36 1 889 3900
Registered delegates, speakers and press will be sent accommodation booking forms for reduced rate accommodation at the Radisson SAS.
Datum uveřejnění: 13.7.2006
Poslední změna: 13.07.2006
Počet shlédnutí: 1865
Emissions Trading, JI & GIS Central Eastern Europe
úterý 19. září 2006 08:30 - středa 20. září 2006 15:30 (Evropská unie, 799,- EUR)
A series of in-depth, interactive workshop sessions will provide attendees with an excellent update from leading emission trading experts.
Místo konání: Budapest, Hungary; Radisson SAS Beke Hotel, Terez krt. 43, H-1067 Budapest
Pořádá: Green Power energy conferences, http://www.greenpowerconferences.com
, tel.: + 36 1 889 3900
Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.greenpowerconferences.com/carbonmarkets/carbonmarkets_budapest06.html
08.30 | Registration & Welcome Coffee | ||||||||||||
Global Carbon & EU ETS Market Update |
09.00 |
Session hosted by:
10.30 | Networking Refreshment Break | ||||||||||||
EU-ETS within the CEE |
11.00 |
Martin Cmiral, Environmental Products Manager, and Alan Svoboda, Executuive Director Sales, CEZ, a.s |
12.30 | Networking Lunch Break | ||||||||||||
JI in the CEE |
14.00 |
Session hosted by:
15.30 | Networking Refreshment Break | ||||||||||||
Managing the Carbon Project Cycle |
16.00 |
Session hosted by:
17.30 | Close of Day One | ||||||||||||
September 20th 2006 | |||||||||||||
Contracting and Managing JI Projects |
09.00 |
Session hosted by:
10.30 | Networking Refreshment Break | ||||||||||||
GIS Greening AAU’s – Designing Green Investment Schemes that Work |
11.00 |
Session hosted by:
12.30 | Networking Lunch Break | ||||||||||||
Renewable Energy Finance – Emissions Trading – More than just hot air? |
14.00 |
Session hosted by::
15.30 | Close of Conference | ||||||||||||
Full registration details will be online shortly, in the meantime please contact info@greenpowerconferences.com to request additional information | |||||||||||||
Venue | |||||||||||||
Radisson SAS Beke Hotel, Budapest
Datum uveřejnění: 13.7.2006
Poslední změna: 13.07.2006
Počet shlédnutí: 1865