Clean Fuels 2007
úterý 19. června 2007 - středa 20. června 2007 (Evropská unie, 0,- )
- an international conference examining the development and growth of alternative fuels.
Místo konání: Barcelona, Spain; Hotel Rey Juan Carlos, Av. Diagonal, 661-671 08028
Pořádá: Clean Fuels 2007, http://www.cleanfuelsummit.com/index.asp
, tel.: tel +44 (0)20 7202 7500, fax: +44 (0)20 7202 7600
Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.hrjuancarlos.com/en/
- Policy challenges and government mandates
- Outlook for fuel supply
- Technology developments
- Conversion and developments of biomass
- Opportunities for investment in ethanol
- Biodiesel production and development
- Options and opportunities for synthetic fuels
- Views from the automotive industry
- Bringing next generation biofuels to the market
- Developments made within the Middle East, Africa and the US
Accelerate the networking and deal-making process by taking
pre-arranged business meetings with fellow delegates and leading
solution providers at Clean Fuels 2007.
Datum uveřejnění: 16.3.2007
Poslední změna: 16.03.2007
Počet shlédnutí: 827
Clean Fuels 2007
úterý 19. června 2007 - středa 20. června 2007 (Evropská unie, 0,- )
- an international conference examining the development and growth of alternative fuels.
Místo konání: Barcelona, Spain; Hotel Rey Juan Carlos, Av. Diagonal, 661-671 08028
Pořádá: Clean Fuels 2007, http://www.cleanfuelsummit.com/index.asp
, tel.: tel +44 (0)20 7202 7500, fax: +44 (0)20 7202 7600
Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.hrjuancarlos.com/en/
- Policy challenges and government mandates
- Outlook for fuel supply
- Technology developments
- Conversion and developments of biomass
- Opportunities for investment in ethanol
- Biodiesel production and development
- Options and opportunities for synthetic fuels
- Views from the automotive industry
- Bringing next generation biofuels to the market
- Developments made within the Middle East, Africa and the US
Datum uveřejnění: 16.3.2007
Poslední změna: 16.03.2007
Počet shlédnutí: 827