
The European Bio Fuel Summit 2oo7

úterý 17. dubna 2007 - středa 18. dubna 2007 (Evropská unie)
will adress for the first time the delicate issue of the global availability of SUSTAINABLE feedstock (vegetable oils) for the European bio fuel industry;
Místo konání: Madrid - Spanien; Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid
Pořádá: European Bio Fuel Summit, http://www.biofuelsummit.info
André Th.F. Baken, , tel.: Tel. +34 972 35 16 77

but also for the food, feed and cosmetics industries as they all share feedstock and need global standards for sustainable production and supply chain management.
In two parallel sessions the availability and sustainability will be addressed by over 32 top level speakers from all over the world, including from all leading countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Argentina, Germany, Spain and the European Community... The subject is also vital to your organization.

You might furthermore want to use the opportunity to further improve your contacts, using one of the available Table Top Expo units, (600 euros for related Assosiations) or using the sponsor programme. I include the relevant information.



Datum uveřejnění: 4.3.2007
Poslední změna: 04.03.2007
Počet shlédnutí: 745