
PETrA 2013

úterý 4. června 2013 - čtvrtek 6. června 2013 (Česká republika)
2nd International Scientific Conference
Místo konání: Prague 6, Czech Republic; Diplomat Hotel, Evropská 15
Pořádá: ODOUR, s.r.o., http://www.odour.cz
Bc. Jitka Musilová, , tel.: +420 724 579 739
Příloha: Program akce / Preliminary Program  [pdf - 675 kB]

The 2nd year of PETrA 2013 (Pollution and Environment - Treatment of Air) Conference on Air Pollution is organized by Odour, Ltd with the cooperation of the Czech Society of Chemical Engineering (CSCHE).The event is held under the auspices of the Czech Ministry of the Environment, Charles University in Prague and Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague. It  is dedicated to the protection of the global climate.

It aims to focus experts from around the world on introducing the latest scientific and practical knowledge in the matter and to exchange experiences in an effort to find mutual ways to collaborate. The conference is intended for researchers and the wider public concerned about the given issue. 



Datum uveřejnění: 18.4.2013
Poslední změna: 18.04.2013
Počet shlédnutí: 718