
Implementation of Organic Waste Management in Europe EU policy strategies and national developments

úterý 8. října 2013 (Evropská unie)
The seminar language is English with simultaneous translation (Polish).
Místo konání: in Poznan, Polen;
Pořádá: , http://www.compostnetwork.info/

Příloha: Podrobnosti o akci  [pdf - 277 kB]

Programme 8th October 2013 9:00 h – 18:00 h

9:00 h

Opening with welcome and presentation of the 2 organisers

ECN (Stefanie Siebert), PIGO (Dariusz Matlak)

9.15 – 10:30 h

Section I: EU policy on organic waste and recycling (Moderator Mait Kriipsalu)

9:15 h

EU policy on organic resources and biowaste recycling in Europe – Challenges by implementing the Waste Framework Directive and the target review process

  • Bartosz Zambrzycki , EU Commission, DG ENV, tbc

(WFD, Target review process. End-of-Waste Regulation for compost and digestate, EU Fertiliser Regulation)

9:40 h

A Zero Waste vision for Europe: management if resource and the key role of biowaste

§ Enzo Favoino, Scuola Agraria del Parco di Monza, IT

10:05 -

10:30 h

Moderated session discussion on EU Policy (prepared PIGO/ ECN)

10:30 –

11:00 h

Coffee break

11:00 h – 12:45h

Section II: National approaches and strategies on biowaste management (Moderator Piotr Przygonski)

11:00 h

Situation and perspective of biowaste management in Poland

§ NN, Ministry of Environment of Poland (waste law, waste management situation in Poland)

11:20 h

Policy, concept and strategy on biowaste management – Bulgarian approach

§ Grigor Stoyanov, Ministry of Environment and Water of Bulgaria (strategic and legislative approach, key instruments)

11:40 h

Advances and drawbacks of biowaste management and composting in Czech Republic

§ Jan Habart, CZ Biom, tbc

12:00 h

Big cities biowaste management – Strategic vision and 25 years experiences of the City of Vienna

§ Horst Müller, KGVÖ - Compost Quality Association of Austria representing Wojciech Rogalski, Waste Management Department of the City of Vienna , AT

12:20 - 12:45 h

Round table Discussion –

Practical aspects of implementation of EU biowaste policy

Representatives of local authority, private waste management company, PIGO

12:45 - 13:45 h

Lunch break

13:45 h - 15:45

Section III: Separate collection, biowaste treatment and the use of compost (Stefanie Siebert)

13:45 h

Biological treatment technologies and practices

§ Wolfgang Müller, University of Innsbruck, AT; Florian Amlinger, Compost - Con-sulting & Development , AT (Composting systems, Anaerobic digestion, Mechanical biological treatment, decentralised On-Farm composting systems)

14:25 h

Logistic, costs and quality of separate collection of biowaste from MSW – cases from Italy

§ Enzo Favoino, Scuola Agraria del Parco di Monza, IT

§ NN (Practise report from Poland)

15:05 h

Beneficial use of compost – organic fertiliser, soil improver, and constituent for growing media)- (Successful marketing and sustainable use of compost in agriculture and horticulture

Sustainable compost application in agriculture – long term study from Germany

§ Dr M. Kriipsalu (Estonian Life Science University, EE)

15:30 – 15:45 h

Final discussion

15:45 -16:00 h

Coffee break

16:00 -18:00 h

Section IV: Organised visit tour of Poznan



Datum uveřejnění: 6.9.2013
Poslední změna: 06.09.2013
Počet shlédnutí: 396