
European Pellet Conference 2014

středa 26. února 2014 (Evropská unie, 190,- EUR)
Místo konání: Wels, Austria; A-4600 Wels, Upper Austria/Austria
Pořádá: , http://www.wsed.at/en/programme-2014/european-pellet-conference/

Příloha: Pozvánka a program  [pdf - 1 MB]

The world’s largest annual conference on pellets presenting technology and policy trends, markets, innovation, sustainability, finance, business models; includes the

  • World Pellet Business & Technology Forum
  • Pellet B2B Meetings
  • Pellet Networking Platform   
  • Pellet News Worldwide   
  • Pellet trade show (more than 100 pellet related exhibitors at the trade show "Energiesparmesse")


Wednesday, 26 February 2014

09.00 Opening & welcome

  • Rudi Anschober, Regional Minister for Energy, Upper Austria
  • Update on EU biomass policies
    Giulio Volpi, European Commission, DG Energy

  • What’s next for bioenergy?
    Anselm Eisentraut, International Energy Agency

  • Pellet market development – outlook to 2025
    Silvio Mergner, Pöyry Management Consulting, Germany

  • Advancing biomass heating through cooperation
    Christiane Egger, OÖ Energiesparverband/Ökoenergie-Cluster, Austria


11.30 Certification schemes & sustainability 

  • Forest certification to ensure sustainability in the bioenergy sector
    Sarah Price, PEFC International

  • ENplus update: quality certification across the supply chain
    Christian Rakos, European Pellet Council

  • Efficiency criteria for pellet heating systems
    Christoph Schmidl, bioenergy 2020+, Austria

12.30 Lunch break

14.00 Financing and operation models

  • Heat supply solutions for more than 100 buildings in Scotland
    Bruno Berardelli, Highland Wood Energy, UK

  • Biomass heat contracting – successful projects
    Robert Stoffers, juwi Energielösungen, Germany

  • Transforming the market and creating financing opportunities
    Harry (Dutch) Dresser, Maine Energy Systems, USA

16.00 World Pellet Business & Technology Forum

  • European Ecodesign Directive: requirements for solid fuel boilers
    Claudia Canevari, European Commission, DG Energy

  • Vermont as a North American leader in wood heating
    Adam Sherman, Biomass Energy Resource Center (BERC), USA

  • Optimising small-scale pellet production plants
    Johannes Waselmayr, Albert Knoblinger GmbH & Co KG, Austria

  • Innovative pellet production on three continents
    José Ignacio Pedrajas, Prodesa North America, USA

  • Pellet logistics from Russia to Europe
    Alexander Makhonko, Ust-Luga Port, Russia

  • Industrial pellet boilers
    Andreas Roskam, KCO GmbH, Austria

Pellet Networking Platform

  • A platform for developing new co-operations among pellet actors across the value chain (in English only)

19.00 End of the conference day

19.30 Evening programme


Thursday, 27 February 2014

08.20 - 10.00 Pellet B2B-Meetings

  • Finding new business partners in bilateral meetings (pre-registration for meetings is required, see "B2B-Meetings")

09.00 Session: High efficiency – low emissions



09.45 Pellet Market News Worldwide

Updates and outlook on different European and global pellet markets (in English only)

  • Overview of pellet supply and demand
    Arnold Dale, EIPS/Ekman & Co AB, Sweden

  • Italy: striving for market stability
    Annalisa Paniz, AIEL

  • Germany: qualification programme for installers
    Martin Bentele, DEPV

  • UK: Update on the renewable heat incentive
    Edward Billington, UK Pellet Council/Billington Biofuels

  • Russia: the Russian state plan
    Olga Rakitova, The Bioenergy International

  • US: market and policy trends
    David Dungate, BTEC

  • Australia: Tasmania's bioenergy opportunities
    Hon Adriana Taylor MLC, Parliament of Tasmania

  • Ukraine: pellet supply and domestic demand
    Tetiana Ignatenko, Ukrainian Pellet Union

12.30 End of the session


09.00 High efficiency – low emissions

Session co-organised with Bios Bioenergiesysteme (in English only)

09.00 Welcome

  • Keynotes and introduction to the EU project "UltraLowDust" (FP7)
    Ingwald Obernberger, Bios Bioenergiesysteme, Austria
  • State-of-the-art of small-scale biomass combustion
    Thomas Brunner, Graz University of Technology, Austria
  • Emission limits, measurement methods & factors influencing emissions
    Hans Hartmann, Technologie- und Förderzentrum, Germany

Technologies and results achieved by the EU project "UltraLowDust"

  • New ultra-low emission wood pellet and wood chip boiler technology
    Jürgen Brandt, Windhager, Austria
    Thomas Brunner, Graz University of Technology, Austria

  • New low emission logwood stove
    Marie-Laure Rabot-Querci, Supra, France
    Christian Schraube, EIFER, Germany

  • New rooftop small-scale electrostatic precipitator (ESP) technology
    Peter Launsky, Ruftec AG, Germany
    Hans Hartmann, Technologie- und Förderzentrum, Germany
  • Contribution of ultra-low emission technologies to pollutant reductions in the EU & policies for market transformation
    Thomas Götz, Wuppertal Institute, Germany
  • Discussion & closing remarks
    Ingwald Obernberger, Bios Bioenergiesysteme, Austria

13.00 End of the European Pellet Conference




Datum uveřejnění: 17.12.2013
Poslední změna: 17.12.2013
Počet shlédnutí: 1340