

středa 25. dubna 2007 - čtvrtek 26. dubna 2007 (Zahraničí)
European Meeting Point for South East European entrepreneurs, investors and experts in Bio-energy
Místo konání: Bulgaria; NDK Sofia
Pořádá: Via Expo, http://viaexpo.com/
Maya Kristeva, , tel.: +359 32 945459

Podrobnosti o akci: http://bioenergy.viaexpo.com

EU Biomass & biofuel policy and legislation in Europe and in the countries of SE Europe; Electricity from solid biomass and biogas; Heating and cooling using biomass; Legislation, fuel standards and norms for bioenergy heating and cooling systems; Supply-chain and market structures for bioenergy heating and cooling products; Biomass for domestic heating; Supply-chain and market structures for bio fuels in the transport; “Second generation” biofuels; Legislation, fiscal regimes and bio fuel standards and norms for the transport; Agriculture and Energy – Energy Crops; farmers as bioenergy producers; EU Biomass Research – industrial perspective; Waste – to – Energy.
Do not miss the opportunity to learn more, see more and
establish new professional partnerships!



Datum uveřejnění: 28.1.2007
Poslední změna: 28.01.2007
Počet shlédnutí: 1373