Working Group: Competitiveness
středa 9. prosince 2020 ()
Created in 2012, following the Commission’s proposal on the Energy Taxation Directive (2003/96/EC) revision, this working group provides the platform that enables our members to thrive within a supportive business environment. Providing formulating and disseminating topics on Bioenergy Europe’s common positions on EU competitiveness related legislation. This second installment of the competitiveness working group, will focus on different policies and instruments which will determine the competitiveness of bioenergy within the EU. It will also explore the systemic issues like adequate carbon pricing and other sector specific regulations.
Místo konání: ONLINE;
Pořádá: Bioenergy Europe, https://bioenergyeurope.org/
Příloha: PROGRAM [pdf - 62.4 kB]
Created in 2012, following the Commission’s proposal on the Energy Taxation Directive (2003/96/EC) revision, this working group provides the platform that enables our members to thrive within a supportive business environment. Providing formulating and disseminating topics on Bioenergy Europe’s common positions on EU competitiveness related legislation. This second installment of the competitiveness working group, will focus on different policies and instruments which will determine the competitiveness of bioenergy within the EU. It will also explore the systemic issues like adequate carbon pricing and other sector specific regulations.
Due to the unprecedented economic contraction caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown that followed – decisive actions are now required at EU level. The ‘Recovery Plan for Europe’ envisages a number of initiatives which will support economic rebound. During this WG, key instruments will be examined with the aim to provide Bioenergy Europe Members with the necessary information to take advantage from different programs.
Key topics include:
+ EU Recovery package;
+ Green recovery;
+ Guidelines on State aid for Environmental protection and Energy adequate carbon pricing;
+ International competitiveness of bioenergy sector.
Více informací naleznete ZDE.
Datum uveřejnění: 1.12.2020
Poslední změna: 01.12.2020
Počet shlédnutí: 1250
Working Group: Competitiveness
středa 9. prosince 2020 ()
Created in 2012, following the Commission’s proposal on the Energy Taxation Directive (2003/96/EC) revision, this working group provides the platform that enables our members to thrive within a supportive business environment. Providing formulating and disseminating topics on Bioenergy Europe’s common positions on EU competitiveness related legislation. This second installment of the competitiveness working group, will focus on different policies and instruments which will determine the competitiveness of bioenergy within the EU. It will also explore the systemic issues like adequate carbon pricing and other sector specific regulations.
Místo konání: ONLINE;
Pořádá: Bioenergy Europe, https://bioenergyeurope.org/
Příloha: PROGRAM [pdf - 62.4 kB]
Created in 2012, following the Commission’s proposal on the Energy Taxation Directive (2003/96/EC) revision, this working group provides the platform that enables our members to thrive within a supportive business environment. Providing formulating and disseminating topics on Bioenergy Europe’s common positions on EU competitiveness related legislation. This second installment of the competitiveness working group, will focus on different policies and instruments which will determine the competitiveness of bioenergy within the EU. It will also explore the systemic issues like adequate carbon pricing and other sector specific regulations.
Due to the unprecedented economic contraction caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown that followed – decisive actions are now required at EU level. The ‘Recovery Plan for Europe’ envisages a number of initiatives which will support economic rebound. During this WG, key instruments will be examined with the aim to provide Bioenergy Europe Members with the necessary information to take advantage from different programs.
Key topics include:
+ EU Recovery package;
+ Green recovery;
+ Guidelines on State aid for Environmental protection and Energy adequate carbon pricing;
+ International competitiveness of bioenergy sector.
Více informací naleznete ZDE.
Datum uveřejnění: 1.12.2020
Poslední změna: 01.12.2020
Počet shlédnutí: 1250