
The Future for Anaerobic Digestion

středa 16. ledna 2008 - čtvrtek 17. ledna 2008 (Evropská unie)
Accompanying Exhibition 15th to 17th of January 2008 - The world's largest exhibition on biogas, renewable energy, energy crops and anaerobic digestion including waste is arranged in Hall 12 next to the Conference and Workshop area of the Nuremberg Fair. Exhibitors like technology suppliers and consultants can order a stand. The organisers expect more than 150 exhibitors and over 2000 participants for the event. The main European digestion technology suppliers have already confirmed their participation.
Místo konání: D-90471 Nürnberg (Germany); Congress Centre Nürnberg CCN, Messe Centrum - Eingang/Entrance West
Pořádá: Congress Centre Nürnberg CCN, Messe Centrum - Eingang/Entrance West, http://www.compostnetwork.info/ad-workshop/
, tel.: +49 2522 96 03 41, fax: +49 25 22 96 03 43

Programme Wednesday 16th of January 2008
Session 1: Policy, Environment, Economics
9.00 - 10.00 h Registration
10.00 h Welcome and introduction of the participants
Mr. M. Broegger, Chairman ECN and Mr. C. da Costa Gomez, Chairman Biogas Association
10.15 h Sustainable reuse of biowaste resources in Europe - in soils or as an energy source
Mr. J. Barth, ECN, DE
10.40 h Biowaste in the context of present and future EU policies
Mr. B. Zambrzycki, European Commission, DG Environment, BE
11.00 h The role of anaerobic digestion in optimised strategies assessing costs and benefits of
biowaste collection and treatment options - D. Hogg, Eunomia, UK
11.30 h Greenhouse gas implications in Life Cycle Assessments for biological waste treatment including
anaerobic digestion - Dr. K. Schleiss, Umwelt- und Kompostberatung,CH
12.00 h Long term perspectives of material recycling of biowaste in Germany
Dr. B. Kehres, Bundesgütegemeinschaft Kompost BGK e.V., DE
12.30 - 14.00 h Lunch
14.00 h The practice of integrated anaerobic digestion concepts including waste management, agriculture and
energy production - Mr. T. Anger, Vafab Miljö, SWE
14.30 h Monitoring of ABPR 1774 requirements in digestion plants for organic waste - inspection, process validation,
product control and experiences - Dr. W. Philipp, University of Hohenheim, DE
15.00 h Economy and fundamentals for planning/design of anaerobic digestion plants
Dr. W. Müller, IGW Witzenhausen, DE
15.30 - 16.00 h Coffee break
Session 2: Technology and Operation - Part 1
16.00 h General framework and practical experiences for anaerobic digestion of residual and mixed waste - Prof.
Dr. K. Fricke, Ms. Heike Santen, Technical University Braunschweig, DE
16.30 h The practice of dry digestion of organic waste in the European context
Mr. L. de Baere, Organic Waste System OWS, BE
17.00 h Wet digestion of organic waste and production of biomethane in practice
Dr. D. Korz, RosRoca Internacional, DE/ES
17.30 h Scalable and modular digestion plants for organic waste based on the percolation technique
Mr. M. Broegger, Solum Group, DK
18.00 End of Day 1
19.30 h Common evening event at the Conference location with the German Biogas Association and all participants

Programme Thursday 17th of January 2008
Session 2: Technology and Operation - Part 2
8.30 h Cost effective solutions with partial stream digestion
Mr. M. Mayer, Komptech GmbH, AT
9.00 h Enlargement of existing composting plants with a digestion step
Mr. E. Steiniger, Eggersmann Anlagenbau, DE
9.30 h The situation with greenhouse gas and odour emissions from digestion plants for biowaste and for
residual waste/mechanical biological treatment MBT - Dr. C. Cuhls, Gewitra, DE
10.00 h Chances for European anaerobic digestion technologies in developing countries
Prof. Dr. W. Bidlingmaier, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, DE
10.30 - 11.00 h Coffee break
Session 3: Quality and Use
11.00 h Quality requirements & quality assurance of digestion residuals in Europe - approaches in Germany,
Sweden and UK - Dr. S. Siebert, Bundesgütegemeinschaft Kompost BGK e.V., DE
11.30 h Effects of digestate on environment and plant production - results of a research project
Dr. J. Fuchs, FIBL, CH
12.00 h The quality of liquid and solid digestate from biogas plants and its application in agriculture
Dr. O. Palm, JTI, SE
12.30 h Experiences with the mixed waste digestion in Spain - results of a survey
Ms. L. Pérez Duenas, Ategrus, ES
13.00 - 14.00 h Lunch
Session 4: Case studies and success stories in various countries
14.00 h Co-digestion of organic municipal waste in sewage treatment plants
Ms. A. Reipa, Dr. K.-G. Schmelz, Emschergenossenschaft/Lippeverband, DE
14.20 h Co-digestion of municipal organic waste and agricultural residues
Mr. M. De Lima Vasconsello, Biogasunion e.V:, EWE/Biogasanlage Wittmund, DE
14.40 h The need for cost effective anaerobic digestion solutions in enlargement countries - the example of Latvia
Dr. R. Bendere, LASA Waste Management Association of Latvia, LV
15.00 h Experiences with anaerobic digestion in the Czech Republic
Mr. M. Kajan, Czech Biogas Association, CZ
15.20 h The challenge to combine soil improvement needs with a digestion based Waste Management Strategy in
Portugal - Prof. A. Silveira, New University of Lisbon, PT
15.40 h The contribution of cost effective anerobic digestion solutions to sustainable biowaste management and
climate protection in the Netherlands - Mr. W. Elsinga, Elsinga Policyplanning, NL
16.00 h Summary of the workshop and foundation of a European Anaerobic Digestion Stakeholder Group -
Mr. J. Barth, ECN, DE
16.30 h End of Day 2
18.00 - 20.00 h Annual Internal Meeting of the ORBIT Association and the European Compost Networks ECN



Datum uveřejnění: 7.1.2008
Poslední změna: 07.01.2008
Počet shlédnutí: 2354