
POWER-GEN Renewable Energy

pondělí 28. února 2005 12:00 - čtvrtek 3. března 2005 16:00 (Evropská unie, 129,- USD)
POWER-GEN Renewable Energy brings together the renewable energy (wind, solar, hydro power, geothermal energy, ocean/tidal, and biomass), renewable fuels (biofuels, ethanol, methanol, and biodiesel), and emerging energy technology (hydrogen systems, fuel cells, microturbines and energy storage) sectors of the energy industry to discuss the key technical, regulatory, structural, economic and market issues impacting their commercial future. With a conference program featuring multiple tracks of sessions covering technologies and business issues, plus an exhibit floor showcasing the latest products, systems and services, POWER-GEN Renewable Energy is the industry's premier event covering all major aspects of the renewables market.
Místo konání: Las Vegas, Nevada; Las Vegas Hilton, 3000 Paradise Road
Pořádá: ENVIRONOMICS LLC, http://waste2profits.com
Richard Mattocks, , tel.: 845 635 4206, fax: 845 635 4169

Podrobnosti o akci: http://pgre05.events.pennnet.com

POWER-GEN Renewable Energy is the renewable energy industry's premier event, with all the major players in the renewable energy (wind, solar, hydro power, geothermal energy, ocean/tidal, and biomass), renewable fuels (biofuels, ethanol, methanol, and biodiesel), and emerging energy technology (hydrogen systems, fuel cells, microturbines and energy storage) sectors of the energy industry on hand discussing key technical, regulatory, structural, economic and market issues impacting the commercial future of the important industry. The event will be featuring session tracks on technology and business issues, as well as an exhibit floor to showcase cutting edge products, systems and services.

We would like to bring this event to your attention with hopes that you will be inspired to lend your own expertise to the event and participate as an exhibitor. It is imperative that you join others in the digester industry to have a strong presence at a renewable energy fair of this magnitude. This is a great opportunity to display your products and services to a qualified audience of leading decision-makers, an audience with the power to purchase. This event is America's first all-renewables conference and exhibition, and will be the industry's leading hotspot for connecting renewable energy suppliers and customers in one place to do business. Bringing together over 1,000 power professionals, you'll join other leading renewable energy companies in three days of fast-track networking and new business negotiation.

Indeed, the expanding market demand for manure and organic waste digesters reflects the state of the entire renewable energy market. It is becoming common industry knowledge that digester technology is capable of much more than just simply electric generation, and so it is important for our industry to have a strong presence at this pivotal conference. It will be advantageous to all concerned to have the growing, thriving digester market well-represented at this event. Since the role of the digester has morphed from mere power generation to self-financing waste management techniques, it is imperative to extend this information to consumers and other energy market professionals alike. The principal target audience will be present at this event, the broad potential array of customers for renewable energy systems and solutions. Parties to be involved in the successful widespread adoption of renewable energy include electric utility companies, independent power producers and project developers, industrial companies, high technology companies, commercial building developers, owners, architects, and engineers, residential developers, architects and builders and government agencies that buy and/or apply renewable energy solutions. Don’t miss out!



Datum uveřejnění: 2.1.2005
Poslední změna: 02.01.2005
Počet shlédnutí: 1619