
Launching Conference of the European Technology Platform for Biofuels

čtvrtek 8. června 2006 (Evropská unie, 0,- EUR)
The aim of this one-day conference, organised by the European Commission with the support of the Biofuels Research Advisory Council (BIOFRAC), is to present the major conclusions outlined in the BIOFRAC’s vision report “Biofuels in the European Union – a Vision for 2030 and Beyond”, and to officially launch the European Biofuels Technology Platform.
Místo konání: Brusel, Belgie; Charlemagne Building, 170, Rue de la Loi, 1049 Brussels
Pořádá: Evropská komise, http://ec.europa.eu

Podrobnosti o akci: http://ec.europa.eu/research/energy/gp/gp_events/article_1567_en.htm#etpbiofuels


The Commission takes an ambitious and co-ordinated approach to promote the use of biomass and biofuels. The approach includes a Biomass Action Plan, an EU strategy for Biofuels, and the support to the establishment of a European Biofuels Technology Platform.

The European Biofuels Technology Platform is a focused initiative in the frame of research on renewable energy sources. It aims to develop cost-competitive, world class biofuel technology, contribute to the creation of a European biofuels industry and accelerate the deployment of biofuels.

To prepare the Technology Platform, a high-level Advisory Council has been established. The Biofuels Research Advisory Council (BIOFRAC) has delivered its draft Vision report “Biofuels in the European Union - A Vision for 2030 and beyond”. This report outlines the current situation of biofuels and presents a long-term view on how to overcome the technical and non-technical barriers for biofuel deployment in the European Union and worldwide.

The aim of this conference, organised by the European Commission with the support of the Biofuels Research Advisory Council (BIOFRAC), is to present the major conclusions outlined in the BIOFRAC’s vision report “Biofuels in the European Union – a vision for 2030 and beyond”, and to officially launch the European Biofuels Technology Platform.


The one-day conference is designed to give the participants the opportunity to provide their feedback on the report and feed in their views and particular experience.

This event should be of value to all stakeholders in the biofuels field such as actors from policy, research, agriculture, forestry, public authorities, industry, NGOs and other interested parties, and in particular for those interested in defining the way forward for biofuels research in the Seventh Framework Programme and beyond.

The programme will include keynote addresses by leading industrialists and government and Commission officials. The Commissioner for Science and Research, Janez Potočnik, will deliver a message in the opening session.

The morning session will include reactions to the Vision Report from the oil industry and the transport sector. The afternoon session will put biofuels in a wider perspective: biorefineries, biofuel trade, biofuels in the new member states, biofuels in a global context, and biofuels research in FP7.


Participation is free of charge.

To register, please complete the following form and send it to rtd-renewables-events@ec.europa.eu
If you have problems accessing and/or filling the form, please contact the conference helpdesk: rtd-renewables-events@ec.europa.eu

The conference room can host up to 450 participants. Please register early to avoid disappointment. Everyone who registers will receive a computer-generated acknowledgement of receipt and subsequently will be informed if the application has been accepted.

For updated information on this event, please consult this website regularly.


Charlemagne Building
170, Rue de la Loi
1049 Brussels



Datum uveřejnění: 17.5.2006
Poslední změna: 17.05.2006
Počet shlédnutí: 910