
Fuels of the Future 2006

pondělí 27. listopadu 2006 (Evropská unie)
Is Germany standing in front of a system change as a consequence of new political and tax related frame conditions? Will Germany, in the frame of its chair of the European council be able to advance the market launch of Biofuels in the European Union?
Místo konání: Berlin; ICC Berlin
Pořádá: German BioEnergy Association, http://www.bioenergie.de
Thomas Siegmund, , tel.: +49/228/ 81 002-22, fax: +49/228/ 81 002-58

Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.bioenergie.de

The German market for Biofuels is one of the most growing and most successful markets within the renewable energies. Germany is world market leader in the production and utilisation of biodiesel, the production capacities of ethyl alcohol are constantly adjusted and the development of biofuels of the 2nd generation is permanently proceeding. In 2005 the biofuels for transport already achieved a quota of 3,4% of the supply with fuels. Thereby 2 m tons of mineral diesel fuels and 140.000 tons of petrol could be substituted and 625 m € for oil imports economised. Meanwhile, the sector of biofuels for transport is employer for many thousands of employees. Is this positive market development threatened by an interruption?

The adaption of the over-compensation-check for biodiesel and the plans of the German government to implement a blending obligation for petroleum companies represent basic changes in the rame conditions. Which consequences will these changes have? Also the European Union has recognised the call for action to assure energy supply. Will there be a running market for biofuels in other European countries, too?

The 4th BBE/UFOP – International Conference on biofuels “Fuels of the Future 2006” picks up these and many more topics related to the development and the utilisation of renewable fuels. On the conference there will be discussed the basic conditions for taxes and regulations, market information & strategies, controls and the need for research and development with the participants. With 800 international guests in 2005 the conference has established itself as the leading event for the market of biofuels for transport in Germany and makes the grade to be the most famous meeting point for sector of biofuels for transport market.

The conference addresses itself comparably to all relevant associations, the sector of biofuels for transport and bioenergy, the agricultural sector, forestry, the machine and plant construction, the sector of petroleum and automotive engineering, science and research establishment, the transportation sector and last but not least to politics.



Datum uveřejnění: 12.4.2006
Poslední změna: 12.04.2006
Počet shlédnutí: 1541