
Central European Biomass Conference 2011

středa 26. ledna 2011 - sobota 29. ledna 2011 (Evropská unie)
The Central European Biomass Conference 2011, 26. - 29. January in Graz, with 100 top speakers from 16 nations will be providing an up-to-date overview of the political, economic and technological developments on the overall sector of biomass energy utilisation
Místo konání: Austria; Messe Congress Graz, Tagungszentrum Messeplatz 1 A-8010 Graz
Pořádá: , http://www.biomasseverband.at/


raw material availability and provision,
conversion technologies for heating, power and fuels,
industrial applications and the funding of bioenergy projects,
environmental effects and market developments,
political developments and required actions,
torrefaction of biomass,
aerosols from small-scale biomass combustion plants as well as,
short rotation wood and new agricultural raw materials

Podrobnosti o akci najdete zde.



Datum uveřejnění: 16.12.2010
Poslední změna: 16.12.2010
Počet shlédnutí: 359