
Bioenergy 2007

pondělí 3. září 2007 - čtvrtek 6. září 2007 (Evropská unie)
The International Conference and Exhibition will focus on the factors affecting the future of the bioenergy opportunities in fuel production, heating and power production in different sectors.
Místo konání: Jyväskylä, Finland;
Pořádá: FINBIO, http://www.finbioenergy.fi
Dan Asplund,

Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.finbioenergy.fi/bioenergy2007


  • Bioenergy in Forest Industry  
  • Bioenergy in Agriculture and Food Industry  
  • Bioenergy in other Industry eg. Cement and Metallurgia  
  • Bioenergy in Heating and CHP

The Main Program  

  • 3rd of September evening Get together, Registration begins  
  • 4th to 5th September Conference  
  • 6th  of September Technical tours/Exhibition
  • Conference with plenary sessions, oral presentations and poster viewing  
  • Technical tours and visits to practical bioenergy targets  
  • International Bioenergy 2007 Exhibition  
  • Social and cultural programme  
  • Language: English  

The Conference will be a focus on the factors affecting the future of the bioenergy, biopower and biobased modern technologies and products, including logistic systems, management, total procurement chains, the effects of the energy market, the influence of green marketing and other trends affecting forestry, agriculture, industry and climate. The conference 2003 with large scope attended with over 600 participants. The Bioenergy in Wood industry 2005 attended with over 300 participants. Bioenergy is important in the heating and CHP sector in the community. Bioenergy in pulp and paper industry has reached a high level in Scandinavia. There is also many possibilities in the wood industry. Biofuel production gives agriculture new possibilities. Also the food industry has potential. Bioenergy can also be used in cement and metallurgia industry.  

How the prepare an abstract  

Papers will be presented in oral and poster sessions and all accepted papers will be published in the Book of Proceedings. Authors wishing to submit a contribution should read the following instructions carefully ans send an abstract to the address given below.  

The abstract, single spaced in English, should include:  

  • Applicable subject number (1 to 10 above)  
  • Full title  
  • Full name and address of one author for all correspondence  
  • Full name of each author and co-author, affiliation, address and phone, fax or e-mail  
  • Purpose of the work  
  • Approach  
  • Scientific innovation and relevance  
  • Results  
  • Conclusions  

The abstract should not exceed one page (size A4, 210 x 297 mm). In additions, authors may add up to 3 explanatory pages, which will facilitate the reviewers assessment.Abstract with insufficient information will be rejected.  

Deadline for receipt of abstracts: 31 January 2007  

Only contributions complying with the above specifications and received in time be considered. Please e-mail the complete information (abstract plus optionally up to 3 explanatory pages) to bioenergy2007@finbio.fi  or send via internet www.finbioenergy.fi/bioenergy2007. The abstract should be a *.doc or *.pdf file.



Papers are invited on the following topics:  

1.      Strategies, Politics, Legislation Tools and Implementation Issues: possibilities to support the EU-targets, Kyoto Protocol, the Johannesbourg decisions, national targets and free energy markets and green values, sustainable development and security of energy supply  

2.      Bioenergy Markets and Business: national and international bioenergy markets, financial and market instruments, green sertificates and markets, fuel quality assurances and standards, price competitiveness, management systems  

3.      Biomass Resources: potentials, quantities, measurements methods, qualities and properties for feedstock from forestry, agriculture, peatlands, municipals and processing industry  

4.      Fuel production, logistics and technologies: production, pre-treatment, procurement, transport and logistics  

5.      Combustion and boiler systems: combustion and boiler technologies and systems for industries, district heating, house blocks, small houses and agriculture nets  

6.      Combined Heat and Power Production (CHP): powerplant, district heating and small scale technologies and systems for CHP production  

7.      Chemical Conversion Technologies: gasification, pyrolysis, biological conversion and liquid fuels production (biodiesel, ethanol, direct/indirect liquerfaction)  

8.      Solid Conversion: Pellets and briquettes etc. and REF.s  

9.      National and Areal Demonstration and Market Implementations of Bioenergy Production and Use in different Bioenergy Sectors  

10.    Applications of information and communication technologies: internet, mobile phone technology, electronic documentations, remote management tools, internet marketing and information dissemination.  


The different topics covers R&D results, demonstration, cases, equipments and good practises.



Datum uveřejnění: 5.7.2006
Poslední změna: 13.07.2006
Počet shlédnutí: 4348