
1st Baltic Biowaste Conference

úterý 23. května 2006 - středa 24. května 2006 (Evropská unie)
Development of Sustainable Biowaste Management in the Baltic States, its Framework and Instruments for a Successful Introduction
Místo konání: Tallinn, Estonia; Hotel Dzingel
Pořádá: European Compost Network, http://www.compostnetwork.info
Josef Barth, , tel.: +49 (0) 2522 96 03 41, fax: +49 (0) 25 22 96 03 43

Podrobnosti o akci: http://www.compostnetwork.info/bbc/

1st Baltic Biowaste Conference

Development of Sustainable Biowaste Management in the Baltic States,
its Framework and Instruments
for a Successful Introduction

23rd and 24th of May 2006, 
Hotel Dzingel, Tallinn, Estonia

supported by... see list of sponsors

See Programme
More Information
Download Application form (pdf)

IMPORTANT! - Last actualisation: 2nd of May 2006 -

23rd of May 2006 - Excursion Day
13.00-18.00 A tour/excursion is organised for the participants for introduction Estonian local biowaste circumstances:
  • Visit to Jõelähtme Landfill (near Tallinn)
  • Visit to Tallinna Vesi (Tallinn wastewater management company that produces compost for greeneries)
  • Visit to Estonian Recycling (private composting company)
Common Dinner
24th of May 2006 - Conference Day


9.15-9.20 Introduction of the day and participants (moderator)
9.20-9.40  Status of organic waste recycling in the EU
Mr. Josef Barth, European Compost Network ECN, Germany
9.40-10.00 The EU Legislation and the requirements following for national organic waste management strategies and policies
Mr. Enzo Favoino, ECN, Italy
10.00-11.00  Implementation of organic waste legislation in the various Baltic Countries
Mr. Peeter Eek, Ministry of Environment, Estonia, representatives of Ministries of Latvia and of Lithuania

Coffee break

11.20-11.40 Bio-waste management planning in Tallinn municipality
Tallinn Municipality
11.40-12.00 Integrated concepts for organic waste recycling in rural areas of Estonia including agriculture 
Mr. Mait Kriipsalu, Estonian Agricultural University
12.00-12.20 Approaches for aerobic and anaerobic management of bio-wastes in new Member States - Strategies, regulations and funding (example of the Czech Republic and Hungary)
Mr. Antonín Slejška, Research Instite of Crop Production, Czech Republic


13.30-13.50 The economics of different separate collection schemes for biowaste
Mr. Enzo Favoino, ECN, Italy
13.50-14.10 Technologies for aerobic and anaerobic management of organic and residual wastes
Prof. Dr. Martin Kranert, University of Stuttgart, Germany
14.10-14.30 Quality and markets for compost and digestion residues in Europe
Mr. Josef Barth, ECN, Germany
Coffee break
15.00-15.20  Strategies for the reduction of environmental impacts of organic waste treatment plants (odours, pathogens, volatile organic compounds etc)
Prof. Dr. Martin Kranert, University of Stuttgart
15.20-15.40  Networking success stories for the implementation of organic waste management in various European Countries
Mr. Antonín Slejška, Research Instite of Crop Production, Czech Republic
15.40-16.30 Panel discussion about problems of different stakeholders, comments by experts of ECN (guided by moderator) and pre-foundation meeting for a national Biowaste Management Association in for each of the Baltic States as a co-operation partner of European networks.

Languages: English (simultaneous translations into Russian language)
Target group: Politicians, municipalities, experts, companies and scientists from the Baltic States & Russia - up to 100 participants
Organisation: European Compost Network ECN and REC Estonia -
in co-operation with Universities of Stuttgart & Braunschweig
Information and Registration: Registration is free. The organizers will pay for the accommodation in double rooms for the participants from the Baltic States and Russia. Attendees from the other countries are asked to pay for the hotel room by themselves. The organisers made the hotel reservation for all participants of the conference.
Click here for application form (pdf) or see also www.recestonia.ee

European Compost Network ECN, Weimar, Germany
Comp-Any GmbH, Gruenbach, Germany
Komptech GmbH, Frohnleiten, Austria
Ros Roca Internacional, Esslingen, Germany
Sorain Cecchini Tecno Srl, Roma, Italy

Tallinna Prügila/Cleanaway Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia

TUBS Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany

Umweltschutztechnik Universität Stuttgart c/o

Institut für Siedlungswasserbau, Wassergüte- und Abfallwirtschaft and

Kompetenzzentrum Umwelttechnik - KURS e.V., Germany

UTV AG, Baden-Baden, Germany
W. L. Gore & Associates GmbH, Putzbrunn, Germany



Datum uveřejnění: 31.3.2006
Poslední změna: 17.05.2006
Počet shlédnutí: 1118