Working Group: Sustainability (online seminar)
středa 10. února 2021 14:00 (Evropská unie)
Bioenergy Europe pořádá seminář pracovní skupiny udržitelnosti 10. února 2021 od 14:00 do 17:00 (SEČ) online!
Místo konání: ONLINE;
Pořádá: Bioenergy Europe, http://www.bioenergyeurope.org
Příloha: PROGRAM [pdf - 95.2 kB]
Bioenergy Europe pořádá seminář pracovní skupiny udržitelnosti 10. února 2021 od 14:00 do 17:00 (SEČ) online!

Bioenergy Europe believes that sustainability is a major factor in the development of the bioenergy sector in Europe. Through the WG Sustainability, Bioenergy Europe has formulated inclusive positions advocating in favour of a harmonised EU sustainability policy for solid biomass for heating and electricity production. The WG is a platform to discuss environmental legislation impacting the EU bioenergy sector.
During this first Working Group meeting of 2021, items of discussion will include:
+ Status of transportation of REDII sustainability criteria in Member States
+ Joint Research Centre's Study on biomass
+ Updates on Taxonomy and Biodiversity
Members will also have the opportunity to elect the chairperson.
Datum uveřejnění: 4.2.2021
Poslední změna: 04.02.2021
Počet shlédnutí: 1202
Working Group: Sustainability (online seminar)
středa 10. února 2021 14:00 (Evropská unie)
Bioenergy Europe pořádá seminář pracovní skupiny udržitelnosti 10. února 2021 od 14:00 do 17:00 (SEČ) online!
Místo konání: ONLINE;
Pořádá: Bioenergy Europe, http://www.bioenergyeurope.org
Příloha: PROGRAM [pdf - 95.2 kB]
Bioenergy Europe pořádá seminář pracovní skupiny udržitelnosti 10. února 2021 od 14:00 do 17:00 (SEČ) online!
Bioenergy Europe believes that sustainability is a major factor in the development of the bioenergy sector in Europe. Through the WG Sustainability, Bioenergy Europe has formulated inclusive positions advocating in favour of a harmonised EU sustainability policy for solid biomass for heating and electricity production. The WG is a platform to discuss environmental legislation impacting the EU bioenergy sector.
During this first Working Group meeting of 2021, items of discussion will include:
+ Status of transportation of REDII sustainability criteria in Member States
+ Joint Research Centre's Study on biomass
+ Updates on Taxonomy and Biodiversity
Members will also have the opportunity to elect the chairperson.
Datum uveřejnění: 4.2.2021
Poslední změna: 04.02.2021
Počet shlédnutí: 1202