
Hlasování v Evropském parlamentu o Morganové zprávě

PRESS RELEASE - Strasbourg, 14 December 2006

Energy Strategy

EP calls for climate change to be the bottom line of EU Energy Strategy

On the occasion of the adoption today by the European Parliament of the report on the EU Energy Strategy, which is due to be presented by the Commission in January, Greens energy spokesman Claude Turmes stated:

"The EP has today sent a strong message that climate change must be the bottom line for EU energy policy, and that energy efficiency and renewables should get prime place in the forthcoming EU energy strategy review. The report calls for a target of a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2020, which would enable the EU to show leadership and drive forward international climate policy (1).

"Energy policy is key to our efforts to combat climate change and we welcome the strong focus on energy efficiency and renewables in the report. A sector-specific approach to renewable energy is crucial to ensuring that 25% of EU energy comes from renewables by 2020 and a huge majority of MEPs have supported this. Commission President Barroso claims to have gone Green but the approach he is championing would destroy renewables. The EP has now given a clear signal to prioritise the different sector-specific proposals in the pipeline on renewable electricity and renewables in heating and cooling, including binding targets for each."

Commenting on the section on 'low carbon' technologies, Greens energy spokesperson Rebecca Harms added:
"We welcome the decision of the EP not to promote nuclear power in the report by rejecting setting targets for 'low carbon' technologies, which has become the nuclear industry's catchphrase for its energy. Setting targets for 'low carbon' energy is nothing more than a call to further extend the lifetimes of nuclear power plants or build new ones, wasting even more money on this dangerous option and diverting investments from sustainable energy technologies."

Editors notes:

(1) The EP report (Morgan) on the EU Energy Strategy calls for greater diversification of energy sources and includes a call for an EU target for energy efficiency improvements of at least 20% by 2020. It also calls on the Commission to propose a framework for options of harmonised support schemes for renewable energies as part of the renewable energy roadmap and set binding sectoral targets for renewables in order to achieve 25% of renewables in primary energy by 2020, with a road map at Council and Commission level for reaching a target for renewables of 50% by 2040. In addition, the report calls for an EU 30% reduction of the CO2 target for 2020 and a 60-80% reduction for 2050.

Richard More O' Ferrall,
Press and Communications Officer,
The Greens/EFA in the European Parliament
Tel: Brussels +32 2 2841667 / Strasburg +33 3 88174375
Mobile: +32-477-44-38-42
Fax: 0032 2 2844944

Zdroj (autor): Evropský parlament
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Datum uveřejnění: 14.12.06
Poslední změna: 18.12.2006
Počet shlédnutí: 660