
Energy from biomass and waste

úterý 25. září 2007 - čtvrtek 27. září 2007 (Zahraničí)
can make a significant contribution to oil-independence and climate protection with clean power, heat, and vehicle fuels.
Místo konání: Pennsylvania - U.S.A.; Pittsburgh
Pořádá: David L. Lawrence Convention Center, http://http://www.ebw-expo.com/

The technology opens up new earning potentials and markets (domestic & international) for the waste management & power generation industry, as well as for new market players such as the agricultural sector. With "energy from biomass and waste" we want to create the leading North American showcase and educational forum for this growth business.



Datum uveřejnění: 27.4.2007
Poslední změna: 27.04.2007
Počet shlédnutí: 731